Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA -The State University of Surabaya (Unesa) is ready to become a driving force for the advancement of the education world in East Java. The commitment was conveyed by Prof. Nurhasan, M.Kes, Chancellor, after the agenda of the inauguration and inauguration of the East Java Education Council for the 2022-2026 period by Khofifah Indar Parawansa, the Governor of East Java, at the Grahadi State Building, Sunday (17/4).
The inauguration of the East Java Education Council for the 2022-2026 period is in line with and in accordance with the Decree of the Governor of East Java Number 188/250/KPTS/013/2022. Nurhasan's desire for Unesa to take on an important role is related to the presence of three rectors in the management.
Apart from him, there is also Prof. Muchlas Samani, Chancellor of Unesa for the 2010-2014 period who became an Advisor to the Education Council with Prof. M. Nuh, Prof. Mas'ud Said, Prof. M. Nasih, Prof. Djoko Saryono, and Dr. Ir. Wahid Wahyudi. Besides that, Prof. Warsono, MS, Unesa Chancellor for the 2014-2018 period was also the Chair of the Education Council accompanied by the Deputy Chair, Prof. Iwan Vanany, Secretary of Dr. Dwi Astuti and 10 other members, namely Prof. Dr. Waras Kamdi, M.Pd, Dr. Agus Widiyarta, S.Sos., M.Si, Dr. Arbaiyah Yusuf, M.A., Prof. Dr. H. Parji, M.Pd., Dr. V. Luluk Prijambodo, M.Pd., Dr. Muhammad Yunus, S.Pd., M.Pd., Dr. Suko Widodo, Drs., M.Sc., Dr. RM. Armaya Mangkunegara, S.H., M.H., Ali Yusa, S.T., M.T., and Muhammad Ana Zamzani, S.PA., M.Pd.
“This is certainly an honor as well as a sign of duty for us. Unesa is always ready to contribute to the world of education, especially in East Java. For us, education is our soul, the essence of existence and the breath of Unesa's struggle, so we are happy to play a role in advancing it," explained Unesa Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes.
Nurhasan invites all elements with an interest in the world of education to continue to join hands in improving quality together. He also believes that the presence of the Board of Education will be a liaison to create good cooperation among all stakeholders.

All of them (members of the Education Council) are experienced in the world of education, have commitment and integrity. "So I'm sure a good synergy will be built. This is the era of collaboration, especially with the independence program, learning from the Minister, all elements must move together. Education is no longer the business of schools and campuses but also the Government, the industrial world, and society in general,” explained Nurhasan who was also trusted as the selection committee in determining the East Java Education Council.
Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Warsono, M, S. in his remarks, he admitted that he was ready to run and continue the previous management programs. He hopes that what is mandated can be carried out properly and in accordance with the expectations of the governor and all parties. “East Java can become the greatest province in Indonesia, especially in the field of education. We ask for your blessing and support, hopefully we can carry out this task well,” he explained.
To the entire Board of Education, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, the Governor, entrusts hope and provides direction. Khofifah revealed four strategic homeworks (PR) to improve the quality of education in East Java. Namely strengthening basic theory, participation in school age expectations, expanding connections between schools and the business world and the world of work (Dudika), to increasing the Human Development Index (IPM). "We ask for strategic recommendations from the East Java Education Council so that the entire education system in East Java runs in a measurable, directed manner and provides optimal results," he said. [UNESA PR]
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