Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-A total of 1,335 students of the State University of Surabaya who have completed their studies were finally officially confirmed as diploma, bachelor, master and doctorate in the fourth batch of graduation ceremony which was held on Saturday (12/12/2021).
The 'sacred' procession to mark graduation was held online with the theme 'Making UNESA People Excellent, Competitive and Adaptive in the Era of Technological Disruption'. On that occasion, the Faculty of Education (FIP) graduated as many as 228 graduates, the Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS) had 205 graduates, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) amounted to 217 graduates.
In addition, the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law (FISH) produced 157 graduates, the Faculty of Engineering (FT) had 192 graduates, the Faculty of Sports Science (FIO) had 68 graduates, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) had 199, and Postgraduate there were 69 graduates.
The graduation ceremony was opened and led by Prof. Dr. H. Haris Supratno, M.Pd, Chair of the UNESA Senate and attended by high ranks of university leaders, faculties and study programs around UNESA. UNESA Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., conveyed his gratitude and pride to the graduates of the 2021 academic year. According to him, even though the study period at campus ends and holds a degree, it does not mean that the duties and responsibilities will also end.
Instead, he continued, graduates were welcomed with various duties and responsibilities to apply their knowledge and experience on campus to contribute to society, nation and state. "Be a driver of change wherever you are, use science to advance civilization from the corners of your hometown," he said.
He continued, UNESA graduates are not only good academically, but also able to adapt in various situations and give birth to various useful creativity and innovations. “I hope that the graduates can continue to study and create. People who are able to adapt are those who are open to continuing to learn and develop themselves,” said Nurhasan.
The graduation ceremony was also attended by Major General TNI (Ret.) Dr. Arief Rachman, M.D, Indonesian Ambassador to Afghanistan. He said, the graduates are the inheritors of the vision and embodiment of Indonesia's golden 2045 mission later. The success of an advanced and prosperous Indonesia, such as the ideals of UNESA is in the hands of its outstanding graduates. "Progress and future changes are in Ananda's hands now," he said.
The best graduates for the fourth batch are Dr. Sri Wahyuni from Postgraduate Science Education with a GPA of 3.99 for the period of 98. Norma Silma Nirmala's GPA of 3.86 for the 99 period was achieved by the Faculty of Education, S1 Elementary School Teacher. Period 98 by Syafathul Jannah from the Faculty of Sports Science, GPA 3.84. Aprilian Hurus Setya Wijaya achieved 101 Sq of Mandari Language Education with a GPA of 3.95. The best graduate from the Faculty of Economics and Business is Yohanna Paramitha with a GPA of 3.87. Safe! [UNESA PR]
Reporter: Madina
Editor: @zam*
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