This time the best graduates from the Faculty of Sports Science with a GPA of 3.75 were taken by Syamsul Huda. Not only that the 2011 class of students was also stated to be able to complete their studies more quickly which was 3.5 years. His success cannot be separated from his motivation since just entering college. Syamsul admitted he indeed planned from the beginning to be able to graduate 3.5 years because of several factors one of them is age. When asked about the strategy used the man who was born in Sidoarjo on 15 September 1989 admitted that there was no specific strategy. "If there is seriousness in doing something then it will be easy to achieve what has been targeted" he stressed. During college Syamsul not only used his time for academic activities he was also quite active in student organizations. For example he has served as Deputy Chair of the Student Association (Hima) Chair of the Hima and also served as Deputy Chair of the Student Executive Board. Related to the thesis that has delivered it to the gate that had never been thought of before he carries the title "Benefits of Sack Race Therapeutic Games for Improving Sprint and Long Jump Ability Capabilities of Children with Light Deafness Ages 6-10 Years Old". There are several obstacles that are enough to test Syamsuls patience during the process of completing his thesis one of which is the loss of a bag containing his laptop cellphone thesis and some of his important files. As a result he had to repeat again in a hurry because one week later had entered the final time for the graduation determination letter (SPK). Therefore he advised anyone especially students to be more careful in storing data. "I just told everyone especially Unesa students that if we keep data try to have a backup so that what I experience does not happen to others" concluded the man who currently teaches and trains students in elementary schools around Sidoarjo. (Murbi)