Surabaya From 14 Surabaya State University students who received Bidikmisi scholarships and were able to complete their studies faster 3.5 years or seven semester with cum laude predicate as many as 12 students held a meeting with the Chancellor of Unesa Prof. Dr. Warsono M.S. in the courtroom of the Unesa Rectorate Building Wednesday (3/25/2015). The meeting was deliberately held so that prospective graduates get new views going forward from the chancellor. This meeting was a request from prospective Bidikmisi graduates who successfully graduated in 3.5 years with the title cum laude. They want to meet the Chancellor explained Rahmat in the area of Unesa student affairs. For information the 82nd Unesa graduation will be held on Sunday (3/29/2015) at the Surabaya DBL stadium. In his presentation the Chancellor of Unesa expressed his pride towards them. He also explained two government missions on bidikmisi scholarships that have been enjoyed so far. First expand access to education. Second able to break the chain of poverty especially cultural poverty. Therefore Warsono hoped that students who had finished studying at the undergraduate level did not remain silent or stagnant. There are a number of alternatives presented for prospective graduates including continuing to graduate level on a scholarship joining the Teacher Professional Education Program working or entrepreneurship. Never stop and be satisfied with what you have achieved. If not then you will stagnate concluded the Unesa Rector after giving a number of inspirational advice to the 12 students. (Syaiful)