Dr. Akhmad Taufiq M.Pd was born in Datinawong Village Babat Lamongan. Grew up in a tradition of moderate and tolerant pesantren. During his undergraduate study at the Faculty of Letters Jember University he was active in the world of movement and the world of cultural literature. In the world of the student movement which requires him to rub against many figures from various political backgrounds ideologies and religions. In the world of literature and culture that encouraged him to get acquainted with literary and cultural figures both at the local national and Southeast Asian levels. The man who became a teaching staff of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program (PBSI) FKIP University of Jember and was entrusted to be the Secretary of the Center for Research on Javanese Culture and Madura Research Institute (Lemlit) at the State University of Jember had completed his doctoral study to a maximum with a GPA of 3850. The dissertation that has brought him won the cum laude predicate entitled "Multicultural Literature: The Construction of National Ideology in Indonesian Novels". The advantages of his research are: first epistemologically and ontologically; secondly axiologically the results of this study are expected to be able to contribute to solving multicultural conflict problems in Indonesia. Asked the problem of obstacles in completing the thesis he claimed there was none. "I feel there are no significant obstacles. If it is called an obstacle it is a test schedule that has been delayed but for me it is not a problem. All of that is a process " he added. The man who was awarded the 2014 NUMERA (Nusantara Melayu Raya) Malaysia poetry award in Malaysia explained who always motivated him were his parents his three sons and his wife and his teacher. "My teacher at Unesa postgraduate especially Prof. Dr. Setya Yuwana Sudikan M.A. and Prof. Dr. Haris Supratno who always encouraged me to always be enthusiastic in completing my doctoral study " he explained. Not to forget he also advised his alma mater to be better going forward. "With all humility I advised my beloved alma mater that this institution could be managed as a future educational institution that upholds the academic atmosphere and continues to promote the values of humanity. For my S-3 colleagues theres nothing else I invite together to stay academically productive after graduation " he concluded. (Rudi)