Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya- Student who got Permata Sakti Program in Faculty of Economics Unesa received a cultural introduction program through a webinar themed "Introduction to Student Culture of Permata Sakti" on December 5, 2020.
The webinar which was attended by students of permata program through online was attended by Dean of FE Dr. Anang Kistyanto, S.Sos, M.Si, vice deans and presenters of webinars namely Hendry Cahyono, S.E., .M.E.
Hendry Cahyono explained that the history of the trading culture in Surabaya has been active since the Dutch colonial era. Trade distribution centers in Surabaya are placed in Tunjungan, Pabean Market, Pegirian Market, Genteng Market, Tunjungan Market, and Blauran Market.
"Kembang Jepun used to call as the Chinatown area. This area is a place inhabited by people of Chinese descent. They do trade activities also in the region and behind Ampel become the center of trade arabs," said Hendry.
In addition, Hendry also explained about the concentration of GADIS Surabaya.
"I mentioned GADIS which is trade and industry. Industries in Surabaya, especially shipyards, heavy equipment, food processing and agriculture, electronics, home furnishings, and handicrafts. Many large multinational companies based in Surabaya and industrial estates namely Surabaya Industrial Estate Rungkut (SIER), Karangpilang and Margomulyo," explained Hendry. (Madina)
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