Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The internationalization program of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNESA continues to be encouraged. One of them is through an international webinar organized by the Student Association of the Department of Economics, FEB UNESA. The event with the theme "Innovation Talks: Discover Extraordinary Innovation and Write It On Your Paper" will be held on Sunday, July 11, 2021.
On that occasion, the Dean of FEB UNESA, Dr. Anang Kistyanto, S.Sos., M.Si welcomed and appreciated the organization of the event. He hopes that there will be more related student activities to continue to improve the quality of research and publications of international repute. According to him, the better and quality the activities held by students, the better the results and outputs. "This is proof that in the midst of such rapid changes due to the pandemic, we have started to be sensitive, adaptive and innovative," he said.
The webinar, which is part of the Economic Innovation on Scientific Competition (EINSTEIN) program, presented four speakers, namely Nadi Suprapto, Ph.D., CIQaR, CIQnR and Ismail Suardi Wekke, Ph.D. In addition, there is Hendry Cahyono, S.E., M.E. and Voramin Punturat, B.Eng., M.Eng., Ph.D. On that occasion, they discussed the writing of scientific papers using the IMRAD (Introduction, Method, Result and Discussion) method, as one of the structures for writing scientific papers that are widely applied in reputable scientific journals.
As the first speaker, Nadi Suprapto conveyed the strategy of preliminary writing in scientific papers. In conducting research, he continued, it must start from determining the context, identifying problems, determining topics and objectives, then continuing to conduct research.
Meanwhile, Voramin Punturat discussed the structure of scientific writing consisting of the title, abstract, introduction, method, results and discussion, conclusion and reference sources. According to him, a good scientific writing is objective, unambiguous, and in accordance with scientific and linguistic rules.
Meanwhile, Ismail Suardi Wekke, a Postgraduate Lecturer at IAIN Sorong, explained the method of writing scientific papers. "This section describes research methods including data and data sources, types of qualitative or quantitative research, and data analysis techniques. However, at this stage a lot of errors occur due to various factors, therefore it is necessary to pay more attention to minimize errors," he explained.
Meanwhile, Hendry Cahyon as Lecturer of Economics FEB UNESA provided a stimulus to increase interest in writing. According to him, writing is a “job” that requires materials. The better and the more material, the better the quality of the writing produced. This material can be obtained from reading. "Reading is the key in writing," he said. "In order to be focused and focused both in writing and researching, we need strategies, one of which is mind mapping," he added. (meds/aid/zam)
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