Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–Subdirectorate of Crisis Center Mitigation (SMCC), Directorate of Prevention and Handling of Strategic Issues on the UNESA Campus again held a Counseling and Self Healing Corner for the academic community on Wednesday, November 1 2023. Different from before, this time they targeted staff and employees around the rectorate.
In his speech, Prof. Dr. Mutimmatul Faidah, S.Ag., M.Ag., Director of Prevention and Management of Campus Strategic Issues, said that this activity was to provide understanding and strengthen mental health. This is important to do in the midst of busy work, so that it doesn't have too much of an impact on mental health.
Meanwhile, Dr. Diana Rahmasari, S.Psi., M.Sc., Psychologist, Head of Crisis Center Mitigation Sub-Directorate explained about stress and burnout management in the workplace. In 2023, around 9,162,886 cases of depression will be found in Indonesia with a prevalence of 3.7 percent.
Meanwhile, in the work environment, around 85% experience mental health problems with ages ranging from 25-35 years. “Then how do we solve it? "Recognize and understand the stressors," he said.

There are various factors that cause stress, including environmental, chemical, emotional, physical and behavioral. From these factors, there are signs that a person has been exposed to stress which is manifested in a physical aspect such as high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, certain infections and diseases, diabetes, headaches, allergies and skin infections, tiredness and tiredness, nausea, low or increased body weight, as well as constipation.
Other signs of stress can also appear in terms of behavior, such as often being late or not coming to work, being less productive, prone to accidents, overworking, withdrawing, changes in eating and drinking habits. alcohol, smoking, changes in sleeping habits, and taking sedatives.
"Emotionally, these signs appear as depression, apathy, mental fatigue, low self-esteem, fear or anxiety, irritability ", doesn't admit the problem, and is unable to control himself," he explained.
Stress and burnout are different. Stress is more likely to have very reactive emotions, while burnout has dull emotions. Someone who is stressed often results in a very active crisis. Meanwhile burnout leads more to despair and a feeling of helplessness.
"If someone experiences stress it leads more to anxiety, while burnout leads more to depression," he explained.
Stress can lead to initial physical damage that can cause a person to die young. Meanwhile, burnout can cause a person to experience initial emotional damage and feel that life is meaningless.
The causes of burnout are divided into three things, including: First: work like having no control, lack of respect, excessive task demands, monotonous work without challenges, disorganized work environment.
Second, lifestyle such as lack of sleep, diet and so on. Third, personalities such as perfectionists, pessimists about the world and themselves, wanting everything to be in control, and many more.
According to him, everyone is at risk of developing mental health disorders, regardless of age, gender, their income and ethnicity. It is necessary to have a work life balance to maintain a balance between personal life and work life.
When pressure and stress hit, Diana suggests giving positive affection to yourself and doing a butterfly hug. Apart from that, you can also do water therapy or the Jose Saliva glass of water technique.
The glass of water technique means someone drinks a glass of water at night before going to bed. Do a desire affirmation in front of the glass of water, then add words such as 'I will know the way to that goal or the way to that goal is open to me'. []
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