Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Visual Communication Design Study Program (DKV), Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) Surabaya State University (UNESA) held a Design Market Talkshow with the theme 'Designing the Future: Navigating AI Infused Visual Branding' at FBS T14 Auditorium, Lidah Wetan Campus, on Friday, November 10 2023.
DKV Study Program Coordinator (Koorprodi), Marsudi, S.Pd., M.Pd., said that this activity was a forum for developing creativity for students and an inspiration for participants or visitors.
"We hope that events like this can continue and, if possible, be held twice a semester. This event is very interesting and can become a magnet for visual communication design study programs," said the Pacitan-born lecturer.

Visual marketing social media, Jawa Pos, Nurhayati conveyed the role of humans in using AI to design visual brands on social media. Especially the difference in profit or engagement in creating content for branding a product using ideas from AI or your own ideas.
According to him, the difference between these two things comes down to time, which is when someone creates visual branding manually, of course will require more time, including research.
Meanwhile, when someone uses AI to create visual branding, the time used is more flexible. "Manual or AI have advantages and disadvantages if viewed differently. However, the two are not to be clashed, but combined, complementing each other according to needs," he said.

Another source, M. Afifudin Latif, visual brand designer of PT Communications Maya Bestari conveyed his predictions regarding the position of AI in 2050 which will take over the world, robots strewn on the streets, and even worse they will shifting human positions in important sectors in the industrial world.
Even though AI is a double-edged sword for its creators, said Afifudin, at least this advanced technology was created or created to be used. So even though AI is created, when no one uses it, the result is that it doesn't function and has no impact.
He did not deny that there were concerns about AI regarding the scope of graphic design. Where graphic design itself aims to convey a message which can be conveyed precisely using a design consisting of meaning, message and data.
The talkshow was moderated by Muh Ariffudin Islam, S.Sn., M.Sn, is the culmination of the Design Market which displays an exhibition of packaging designs and motion graphics created by DKV students class of 2021 as output from the mid-semester exam project. []
Reporter Team: Saputra/Fatimah Najmus Shofa
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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