Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-State University of Surabaya (UNESA) and PT Quality Works signed a virtual memorandum of understanding or MoU on Wednesday, October 06, 2021. At the same time, the signing of a cooperation agreement between PT Qualitiy Works with the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering UNESA and the Head of the Undergraduate Education Study Program Informatics, S-1 Informatics Engineering, and S-1 Information Systems.
Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation, Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., stated that the education sector has an important role in encouraging the improvement of the quality of human resources. Through the implementation of the independent learning program and the independent campus, students and lecturers are required to learn to develop themselves on and off campus, build networks and maximize potential in contributing to society and the nation.
Cooperation with the world of work and industry, he continued, can open up student learning opportunities and strengthen synergies so that there is no longer a gap between theory on campus and practice in the world of work. "This is a collaboration to build a link and match between campus and the world of work so that university graduates meet the demands of the world of work and are able to encourage the progress of the industrial world," he said.
It is hoped that UNESA graduates will not only be able to work in the industrial world, but also be able to encourage job creation. For him, the more graduates who build businesses and enter the creative world, the more job opportunities are available and that can have an impact on improving the economy and people's welfare. "Our direction is to support the government in improving the welfare of the community through our roles, programs, graduates at UNESA," he said.
To support this goal, so far UNESA has collaborated with around 2.7 thousand partners both at home and abroad as an effort to improve the quality of the implementation of the tridharma of higher education. "In educating and prospering the nation's life, UNESA cannot walk alone, but must work with all parties, including the business world, industry and other related parties," he said.
Meanwhile, Yun Suryotomo, SH., MH., Legal Director of PT Quality Works appreciated the cooperation opportunity. He revealed that the company engaged in the furniture sector has often collaborated with various vocational high schools (SMK). Cooperation in the same field then spread to universities. “UNESA is the first campus to work with us. The reason is, we monitor both the competence of the graduates, the quality of the program, to the extraordinary study programs. We consider it important to collaborate with UNESA," he said.
Yun Suryotomo said, PT Quality Works will provide the best in this collaboration, namely as a learning platform for students and a place to apply the knowledge that students get in class. In addition, UNESA students can also learn the skills that are needed by the industrial world today and in the future. So it is hoped that UNESA students can grow and develop according to the demands of the times and the world of work, and are able to create jobs.
The signing of the collaboration from UNESA was attended by the Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation and his staff, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and the heads of study programs around the Faculty of Engineering UNESA. Meanwhile, PT Quality Works was attended by the Directors, Legal Director, Head of PR Resource and General Affairs, Head of Customer Support, and the Graphic Design Division. [UNESA PR]
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