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Unesa.ac.id Surabaya & ndash; To adapt to developments in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 Unesa students are again creating innovations to help Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) especially in the Sidoarjo area. Under the guidance of Agung Prijo Budijono ST MT students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering (FT) Unesa consisting of Ahmad Harish Aviansyah (2017) Siti Afifah Hanun (2018) Lely Farima (2017) Muhammad Rosykul Anwar (2018) and Yan Dwi (2015) poured a creative idea of making a machine that was named "Simba Killer" into the proposal of the Student Creativity Program in the Field of Technology Application (PKM T) and successfully escaped and obtained funding in 2019 from the Ministry of Research and Technology.
Ahmad Harish Aviansyah as the head of the PKM T team revealed the origins of the idea of making Simba Killer originating from UKM makers their finding sambal in the Sidoarjo area. The idea then became an umbrella for making the PKM proposal T. & ldquo; Before making the proposal we visited one of the SMEs in the Sidoarjo area. That visit we looked for problems faced by the UKM & rdquo; Harish said.
Through the visit Harish and his friends began to find out the problems faced by the UKM namely the packing of chilli sauce which still uses traditional tools so that the production and marketing processes are slower. From there then emerged "Simba Killer" which is a modern chili packing machine that can accelerate the process of chili production and marketing in the community. The hope is that Simba Killer can later have a positive impact on the development of SMEs so that SME owners can develop their businesses better and can contribute positively to the surrounding environment especially in terms of employment. (sh
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