Lecturers and students attend an international seminar on mental health at the Auditorium, UNESA Rectorate.
Unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA—Subdirectorate of Crisis Center Mitigation (SMCC) Surabaya State University (UNESA) held an International Seminar at the Auditorium, 11th floor, Rectorate Building, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya on Wednesday, October 9 2024.
Activities carried out in commemoration of World Mental Health Day (10 October 2024) this was attended by UNESA partners, lecturers and students.
The seminar was opened by the Deputy Chancellor II for Law, Management, Finance, Resources and Business, Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri. According to him, today's social dynamics are a challenge in itself for the mental health of young people, including students, which must be a common concern.
"Therefore, activities are very important as concrete steps to strengthen the mental health of the young generation. It is hoped that this will not for ourselves, but with the enthusiasm to increase awareness of the importance of maintaining mental health," he said.

The Deputy Chancellor for Division II reinforced the importance of this agenda for strengthening the mental resilience of the generation young.
In addition to commemorating World Mental Health Day, this event strengthens SMCC UNESA's commitment to improving the quality of mental health of Indonesia's young generation. One thing that is being done is collaborating with Menur Hospital, Surabaya.
The Director of Menur Hospital, Vitria Dewi conveyed the urgency of collaborating with SMCC UNESA. He revealed that the youngest age in Menur Hospital who experienced mental disorders was 10 years old.
Teenagers aged 18-24 years experienced the most mental health problems caused by several factors, one of which was breaking up with their lover. "Every day we cannot be separated from stress, so there is a need for stress management, in this case we need to collaborate with SMCC UNESA," he explained.

SMCC UNESA signed the document cooperation in strengthening the mental health of Indonesia's young generation.
International seminar This event presented a number of presenters, one of whom was Retno Tri Hariastuti as Head of Academic SMCC. The UNESA BK lecturer presented the material 'My Mental Health, My Academic Power.'
He mentioned statistical data that 1 in 4 teenagers has a tendency to end their life. "We often listen to advice to think positively without taking action. It's best to do positive actions in addition to positive thinking," he explained.
There are several characteristics of humans with good mental health, namely having psychological well-being or well-being psychological. "Mentally healthy people live an effective life," he said.
Sang Min Lee from the Department of Education from the University of Korea delivered material about stress and emotional regulation. According to him, stress is caused by excessive pressure received by individuals, which is then called a stressor, and results in tension or strain.
He said that the work environment, lecture environment and social environment have the potential to cause stress. For example, when employees are given a heavy workload with little pay or students are given an excessive workload outside of lecture hours, this can cause stress.
Brigadier General Pol, Awang Joko Rumitro, Chair of the East Java Province BNN, on that occasion invited students not to abuse drugs, because it can affect mental health.
Consuming drugs has various characteristics and the most severe is bipolar. "Never try, whatever the reason. Because if you dare to try, it means you are risking your future," he said.[*]
Reporter: Dewanda (FBS), and Retno Nurus Solekhah (Fisipol)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA SMCC Team
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