Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–The State University of Surabaya (UNESA) again held a CBT CPNS Kemendikbudristek SKB for prospective education staff (tendik) and lecturers from various universities throughout East Java at the PPTI Training Center, UNESA Rectorate Building, Lidah Wetan Campus on Saturday, (4/12/2021) .
The test was attended by around 600 participants who were divided into several sessions over two days, 135 of whom were participants who passed the SKB stage to become instructors and lecturers at UNESA.
Moch. Ali Sidik, S.Sos., M.Sc., the person in charge of the activity revealed that the test was a continuation of the previous SKD test. UNESA itself had hosted the implementation of the SKD CBT which was attended by almost 11,450 participants. "The next stage is for the 2021 CPNS selection, if previously it was SKD," he explained.
SKB CBT PNS is not only in UNESA, but UM and UB are also the hosts for the test. In carrying out the test, all participants and committees are required to strictly implement health protocols; wear a mask, keep your distance and wash your hands regularly.
Ali Sidik added, after taking the CBT test, the participants will continue to the next session, namely interview and microteaching for lecturers and performance in Malang for analysts. The test session will be held on 8-12 December 2021.
PPTI UNESA also takes part in helping the activities run by ensuring the smooth running of the website and overseeing the activities. "I hope this event can run smoothly, and more importantly for UNESA formations can be filled according to the expected quality," he concluded. (UNESA PR)
Author: Hasna
Editor: @zam*
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