Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Fine Arts and Fine Arts Education Study Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS), Surabaya State University (UNESA) held a National Seminar on Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the theme 'AI and its Implications for Art and Art Education' at the T14 FBS Auditorium, on Tuesday, November 7 2023.
This hybrid seminar aims to maximize the use of AI in supporting the learning and work process in similar fields of arts and fine arts education.
The Dean of FBS, Syafi'ul Anam, Ph.D., opened the event which was attended by more than 120 offline and online participants. In his speech, he said that in this digital era, AI is playing a big role in human life.
"If used well, AI can help all aspects of life which will certainly make it easier for humans to achieve things, no matter what. except in the field of art," he said.
The FBS lecturer added that AI opens up new artistic opportunities with unlimited creativity. So, skills in using AI need to continue to be developed in order to balance the development of this technology.
In the material session, a lecturer from Parahyangan University, Bandung, namely Syarif Maulana, S.IP., M.Ikom, explained, artificial intelligence is a topic that discusses the origin, nature, character and types of knowledge regarding artificial intelligence which is currently developing very rapidly.
This means that humans cannot be separated from technology, especially artificial intelligence, which is now a necessity for humans. "The more we know about AI, the deeper the understanding we will get. In this way, we can sort and determine when is the right time to use AI," said Syarif.
The next speaker, Sudjud Dartanto, S .Sn., M.Hum., from ISI Yogyakarta sharing about the development of new work using AI as one of the media. The topic raised by Sudjud was the Latest Development of AI-based New Media Art works.
He said that today's artists have the freedom to create works using various kinds of media. New media are variations that can be combined creatively to produce iconic works.
"But this must not make us careless, we must be aware of what is happening in society regarding the phenomenon of using AI in creating works art. Society is divided into pros and cons, so as art activists we should be able to position ourselves and optimize the use of AI wisely," he said.
Umi Laili Yuhana, S.Kom., M.Sc. ITS lecturer delivered the material "Development of Artificial Intelligence Technology for Education". He revealed that developments in the times are growing in tandem with technology such as artificial intelligence.
The presence of artificial intelligence or AI can be used in the development of technology-based education which can facilitate the delivery of information, learning development, and optimal learning concepts.
"Technology-based education can become a forum for developing educational products and services that are tailored to the needs of students, teachers, or all aspects of education," said Umi Laili.
Siti Aminah, S.Pd., M.Pd. who comes from Yogyakarta State University said that art students who are synonymous with uniqueness and creativity have the opportunity to develop themselves optimally through AI media, for example. AI offers promising potential, especially to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of art students' potential.
Apart from that, AI can also map the opportunities and obstacles that students have and then process them by producing solutions with the best planning. In this way, students will have structured steps regarding a picture of the future using AI as a design medium.
"Using AI as a planner media for art students will certainly be very helpful in determining the direction of steps and determining solutions to problems that arise. "faced by art students. Apart from this, art students can use AI to increase creativity without abandoning the originality of the art students' own ideas," concluded Siti Aminah.
Dra. Indah Chrysanti Angge, M.Sn., representative of the committee, stated that this national seminar activity is expected to provide a new perspective on AI. Of course, wisdom in the use of AI is the key to optimizing the development of this technology.
"Hopefully this activity can provide real benefits to art activists, especially students, who will become new shoots for the development of art in Indonesia," he hoped. []
Reporter: Hiline Wijayanti
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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