Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–Surabaya State University Postgraduate School held Socialization and Provision for New Students with the theme 'Transformation of Postgraduate Schools: Multidisciplinary Scientific Development' at the Faculty of Health Building, Lidah Wetan Campus on Saturday, September 9 2023.
Director of the Postgraduate School, Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., in his speech reminded new students that when they enter the Master's level, their learning must be deeper and stronger. From the start you have to determine and design the research that will be carried out.
"Forget about your position background, once you are here your status is the same as a student. Take advantage of the opportunity to deepen your knowledge and strengthen your competencies," he advised.
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Furthermore, 4) implementation of training, competency-based skills courses, future jobs, skilling, reskilling and upskilling, 5) quality assurance of vocational education and training, competency certificates and accreditation of graduate certificates, and 6) the role of stakeholders such as the Regional Government, Kadin and BNSP.
The contents of the link and match are in including curriculum synchronization, lecturer internships in industry, guest lecturers in industry, field work practice, certification of PKL students, and commitment to employment.
"This content aims to increase the relevance of education to industry needs while increasing the number absorption of graduates in industry," he said in a session moderated by Sueb, S.Pd., M.Pd, FBS lecturer.
Thus, a process of developing innovation in the vocational field that includes new ways such as entrepreneurship, applied research development, incubation of new technology companies, and SME technology diffusion. [*]
Reporter: Saputra
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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