Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—In responding to the challenges and needs of qualified human resources in the field of educational research and evaluation, Surabaya State University (UNESA) is preparing to open a new study program, namely a doctoral or PhD program in Educational Research and Evaluation .
Preparation for the study program entered the validation and clarification stage carried out by assessors or a team from the Independent Education Accreditation Institute (Lamdik) on Saturday, December 23 2023.

Director of UNESA Postgraduate School Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., stated that the process involved in establishing the Education Research and Evaluation Doctoral Study Program was very long. It has been started since the Postgraduate School was still called the Postgraduate Program.
The proposal to open a PhD in Educational Research and Evaluation became increasingly accelerated after UNESA officially became a legal entity or PTN-BH.
Currently, the School Postgraduate has 33 study programs, 90% of which are spread across faculties, and 2 multidisciplinary study programs which are directly under the auspices of Postgraduate. So that in the future the PEP S-3 as a multidisciplinary study program will become the 34th study program and the 3rd that is directly under the auspices of the Postgraduate.
"We are also implementing the regulation that the Postgraduate will focus on holding multidisciplinary Masters and Doctoral degrees. . "In the future, we will develop a post with an institutional structure similar to a faculty and will even have its own senate," he said.
Deputy Chancellor for Law, Management, Finance, Resources and Business, Dr. Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, M.Pd., hopes that UNESA's Educational Research and Evaluation PhD study program will become superior, especially in the Eastern Indonesia region.
"Currently many agencies need educational research and evaluation expertise . "Moreover, not only in the education sector, but also from various sectors and agencies, so we hope that the verification of the documents for opening this study program can run smoothly so that it can be opened soon," he said.
This activity was attended by two Lamdik assessors, namely Prof . Dr. Ir. Ivan Hanafi, M.Pd., and Prof. Dr. Syahrul, M.Pd. This activity is a follow-up to the documents that have been sent, by carrying out verification to see the actual condition of readiness for establishing the study program.
The new doctoral program has a number of advantages, including: First, it has a number of specializations ranging from measurement, research, educational evaluation. Second, the graduates will not only have a career focus as educational research consultants and educational evaluation consultants, but also have entrepreneurial abilities.
Third, based on artificial intelligence, aka the graduates will be equipped with the ability to process research and evaluation data based on computing and artificial intelligence .
Assessor, Syahrul said that in opening a study program there are several stages that need to be gone through. He said that UNESA was not only ready in terms of file requirements, but also looked serious as seen from various preparations in the field starting from infrastructure in the form of its own study rooms to human resources.
"UNESA not only provides indoor classrooms but also classrooms outdoor learning. "This completeness proves UNESA's readiness," he explained.
The same thing was said by Ivan Hanafi. He stated that various readiness in the field proved that what was stated in the application document was in accordance with readiness in the field. "There are only a few suggestions so that the opening of the study program goes smoothly and there is hope for the future," he said. []
Writer: Muhammad Azhar
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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