Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—The faculty of Surabaya State University (UNESA) continues to demonstrate its commitment to improving the quality of institutional governance. That's what the Vocational Faculty did through the 'Ngobras Seksi' program (Chatting with Cak Hasan about Vocational Performance) in the K9 Auditorium, Vocational, Ketintang Campus, Wednesday, 25 October 2023.
'Ngobras Seksi' which was attended by the leadership UNESA, starting from the chancellor, vice chancellors, deans, directors, lecturers and students, discussed various challenges and breakthroughs that could be made in encouraging the transformation of the Vocational Faculty. There are many aspects discussed, including budget, facilities and student UKT.
Dean of Vocational Studies, Dr. Suprapto, S.Pd., M.T., explained that there are around 4,300 students studying in Vocational Studies. Related to this, there are several homework assignments that must be immediately addressed, such as strengthening human resources, service quality and facilities and infrastructure that support the academic activities of students and lecturers.
"We have independently carried out development to improve the quality and balance of learning in it ," he said.
Meanwhile, the Chancellor of UNESA, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., appreciated the steps taken by the Vocational leadership in accommodating the aspirations of students, staff and lecturers regarding facilities and infrastructure, then responding to them together to then become policies that can be taken.
"We must listen to all complaints "From students and lecturers. Weaknesses must be immediately identified and resolved. For example regarding infrastructure, what is lacking and what needs to be repaired as soon as possible," said Cak Hasan (the Chancellor's nickname).
The man who is the PIC AUG 2024 added that regarding the need for teaching staff, there has been a CPNS selection and UNESA has received a large number of lecturer formations, around 363 people. A total of 56 lecturers of whom are placed in Vocational Studies.

Students who were present on that occasion also expressed their complaints regarding the infrastructure available in each study program as well as complaints from lecturers regarding lecture facilities. The leadership responds well to each complaint and is ready to make improvements and additions as needed. []
Reporter: Amalia Rizka Az-Zahra
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Team Documentation Public Relations
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