Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - Saturday, December 5th, 2020, The Master's Program of Language and Literature Education 2018. Graduate School, in Unesa held a National Webinar themed "Scientific Writing in the Society 5.0 Era". The webinar is held virtually through the Zoom Meeting app and Youtube streaming.
This webinar brought 4 main speakers. The first speaker was Prima Vidya Asteria, S.Pd, M.Pd. Lecturer of Indonesian Language and Literature Education said that the general public as well as students must have felt how hard the change was.
"Because the times are growing rapidly, it can be realized that the development of technology can begin to be felt by the community. And, in the era of society 5.0, it invites people to be smarter in using objects in the network," said Prima.
Prima explained, the comparison between era 5.0 and the previous era is in the era of 4.0 if storing data, after being put in the cloud, it still needs humans to process the data. However, in the era of 5.0, after the data is stored, then the data will return to humans already in the form of data results because when saving must have been equipped with other elements to complete the data.
"This shows that the development of IT is growing rapidly to help human work," explained Prima.
Competencies that need to be developed in the writing of scientific works in the 5.0 era, added Prima is about solving complex problems, critical thinking, and more creative. Many problems, especially in the midst of this pandemic that encourage everyone to meet through many online applications. This is a complex problem that forces everyone to know more about technology and others.
"To write your own scientific article, there must be more research in order to get accurate information," said Prima.
Prima also provides a good systematics of writing scientific articles in order to help webinar participants better understand the writing of scientific works.
Meanwhile, the second presenter, Annisa Permatasari S.Pd, mentioned about grammar in the writing of scientific works.
"When we talk about grammar in scientific works, then the appearance about it are that is physical products and thought. In this case the physical is writing, and thought is the logical flow in order to form a construction," said Annisa.
Annisa teaches us to be able to upgrade ourselves in order to produce good scientific work. Many principles must be emphasized in the writing of scientific works, namely precise, objective, clear, systematic, specific and interconnected. In writing it must also be good at having words, spellings, effective sentences, and paraphrasing. And plagiarism is something that really should be avoided in all forms of authorship. Annisa also highly recommends using indirect quotations when writing theories in order to avoid plagiarism. (Pai)
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