Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - Teacher Professional Education (PPG), Institute for Professional Education Development (LP3), State University of Surabaya (UNESA) continue to 'upgrade' human resources (HR) both in terms of quality and quantity. The institution which has an A accreditation from BAN-PT held an online socialization of the recruitment and refresher of lecturers, tutors and class admins on Friday, July 8, 2022. As the speaker on that occasion, he was present; Drs. Fatkur Rohman Kafrawi, M.Pd., Dr. Harmanto, S.Pd., M.Pd., Dhani Kristiandri, S.Pd., M.Sn.
Ratkur Rohman explained that PPG in the 2022 position will be carried out by 78 public and private universities. The State University of Surabaya was ranked in the top 10 in the graduation and accreditation categories. PPG in category I positions starts on 6-10 July; Determination of participants on 12 July; Report yourself on July 13-15; Self-study July 6-15; 18th July student orientation; PPG implementation July 19-September 29; Diversity Insights on September 30; UKMPPG 3-16 October 2022.
He added, there are 26 undergraduate study programs and 6 vocational study programs at UNESA that have PPG permits. This year, UNESA is working on licensing in the context of revitalizing Industrial Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Fisheries Engineering, and Broadcast Film study programs.

For lecturers, tutors, old lecturers and new lecturers, they will be required to take an assessment, a kind of pretest as one of the prerequisites. All those who did not enter the assessment did not get a place to teach at PPG. "Lecturers and tutors have a minimum score of 80," he said.
The flow of PPG implementation in office in 2022 is divided into several aspects. In the aspect of deepening the material, for example, based on; identification of problems, exploration of the causes of problems, determining the causes of problems, exploring alternative solutions, determining solutions, making action plans, and making evaluation plans. "If the PPG test does not pass, then you cannot continue to PPL," he said.
Meanwhile, Harmanto conveyed the PPG learning load in positions of 12 credits consisting of 5 credits of material deepening (analysis of problem-based learning materials, literacy, numeracy, and higher order thinking skills (HOTS). 3 credits for the development of learning tools (innovative learning designs). ), and 4 credits of practical field experience (innovative learning practices).
The 2022 Teacher Professional Education Program (PPG) includes learning for children with special needs (ABK) in its modules. This year's PPG goal is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and increase lifelong learning opportunities for all. "Now inclusive education in Indonesia provides an opportunity for ABK to learn together with children their age," he said.
Dhani Kristiandri said, increasingly here, information technology is developing very rapidly and of course it has a big influence on educational technology and industry. Responding to these developments, the Minister of Education and Technology, Nadiem Anwar Makarim, introduced a way of thinking 'computational thinking' (CT) in the curriculum which is intended so that Indonesian students can become PANCASILA students.
CT includes faith and piety to God Almighty and has noble character; have a very high degree of independence; think critically, creatively, work together, and be able to work together in a team; and global diversity. CT is a thinking process in formulating problems and strategies in choosing or determining effective, efficient, and optimal solutions to be carried out by the information processing agent (solution). The event ran smoothly and was attended by 53 participants from IT admins, 290 lecturers and 244 participants from civil servants. [UNESA PR]
Author: Fionna Ayu Shabrina
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
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