Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-There was a different scene and atmosphere at the 5th session of the Computer-Based Writing Test (UTBK) at the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) yesterday (Thursday, 19 May 2022). In addition to the disabled participants who came full of enthusiasm and hope, there were also a dozen students who seemed friendly to accompany and guide the participants to the front of the exam room.
Early in the morning, dozens of assistants were on standby before the participants arrived at the exam location. When one by one the disabled participants arrived in front of the Rectorate, the assistant immediately greeted them in a friendly manner. They introduced themselves to the participants and asked permission to lead them to the front of the test room.
“We introduce ourselves first, the participants also usually introduce themselves. Then we asked permission to lead. Good morning, my name is Anggi from UNESA. What's your brother's name? I asked permission to take or help my sister to the exam venue. Can we help carry the bag or what? What kind of guidance is more comfortable,” explained Nur Fitri Anggraini, one of the companions.
The woman who is fondly called Anggi is a UNESA Special Education (PLB) student. Apart from him, there were also nine other PLB students who were also assistants. Then a few more from the Crisis Center Mitigation Unit (SMCC). In total there are about 15 companions plus a special committee.
Before accompanying participants with disabilities at UTBK, the facilitators received a briefing first. The goal is that the services provided both in communication and assistance can be optimal and really make it easier for participants.
Become a companion, said Anggi on the basis of willingness. This means that after receiving information on the need for companions, students immediately apply to the UNESA Center for Disability Studies and Services (PSLD). "Besides me from PLB, it's also because of my heart's calling," he said.
Interacting with friends with disabilities gives Anggi a different mood. He is more enthusiastic and more grateful for this temporary life. According to him, the disabled friends seem enthusiastic about life. Many are experts in certain fields. Like music for example. Their extraordinary abilities can even exceed those of non-disabled people.

"I'm more there to see it myself. How can they be excited and happy to live life. Be enthusiastic about learning and working. Why can't I, who is non-disabled, be enthusiastic like them, study hard and be sincere like them? Learning from them, I feel that it is not easy to complain," he explained.
The same thing was conveyed by Wahyu Eka Safitri, another student who was also a companion. He said he was happy to be able to help participants with disabilities. Especially in the UTBK test. There are many lessons that can be learned from participants with disabilities and that cannot be learned from other participants. "Their enthusiasm for taking the exam, their enthusiasm for arriving early at the exam location for their dreams is also encouraging for me," he said. Wahyu hopes that participants with disabilities will get good test results and can study at their dream campus.
“Thank you to all the committee and assistants who have helped guide from the front of the building to the room for the exam and from the test room back to the front of the building after the exam is over. Thank you again,” said Sukma Anugrah, a disabled participant from Nganjuk. For information, as many as 15 participants with disabilities took part in the UTBK at UNESA. There were 6 participants with visual impairments and 9 participants with disabilities. 11 of them took the test in the 5th session or the morning session on Thursday, 19 May 2022. [UNESA PR]
Author: Riska Umami
Editor: @zam*
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