Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-Universitas Negeri Surabaya welcomed the Board of Directors of Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) on Friday, March 5, 2021. The meeting was held at Unesa Learning Laboratory (Ulala Cafe). Director of Distribution and Retail Funding Bank BTN, Jasmin and the team attended the event, while Unesa was attended by Rector Of Unesa Prof. Nurhasan, M.Kes., along with Vice Rector for General and Financial Affairs, Suprapto, M.T., Vice Rector for Student affairs and Alumni, Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes., and Vice Rector for Planning and Cooperation, Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd.
The meeting was held to welcome various plans and targets of Unesa that will be realized in the near future, such as preparations for the State University of Legal Entities (PTN-BH), the establishment of a special Faculty of Medicine for Sports and the pioneering of a football school in Unesa. Prof. Nurhasan., M.Kes., said that the football school will be of Asian Football Confederation (AFC) standard. Starting from the facilities adapted to the provisions of the AFC and instructors must also be licensed or in accordance with the standardization and verification of professional quality introduced by the AFC.
Accelerating the realization of the plan, Unesa has prepared and done many things. Some of them coordinate with the central government to regions and other relevant institutions. In addition, it has also planned the development of key infrastructure and supporting which in the near future will be built. Because many things need to be prepared and finalized, continued the Rector, it is necessary to cooperate and collaborate with many parties, one of which is with Bank BTN. The cooperation between Unesa and Bank BTN has been going on for a long time. However, at the meeting discussed plans for the development of cooperation in other fields.
"We (Unesa, red) have plans to hold seminars or webinars such as financial literacy, it is very important in supporting effective and efficient financial governance to welcome the Faculty of Medicine and football schools later," he said. "Unesa is now doing a lot of improvement towards PTN-BH, even recently Unesa won the first national performance accountability from Kemdikbud, beating other major campuses," concluded Nurhasan. In response, Jasmin said that BTN supports various unesa programs and plans in the future. Moreover, the collaboration is a form of mutual support between Bank BTN and Unesa. Regarding the development of cooperation in the future, it will be discussed and finalized again in the near future. (Pr. Unesa)
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