Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN) 2022 LTMPT has just been announced at 15.00 WIB, March 29, 2022. As a result, as many as 2,857 new students were accepted at the State University of Surabaya (UNESA).
Although the UNESA SNMPTN quota is 2,862 people and the number of registrants this year has reached 30,389 participants, the fourth highest nationally. However, only 2,857 participants were accepted.
"There are only that many participants who meet the requirements to enter UNESA. Those who have not been accepted could be one of them because their portfolio does not meet the requirements of the chosen study program, "explained Dr. Sukarmin, M.Pd., Head of the UNESA Admissions Unit.
He added that this year, there was an even distribution of study program selection by students or participants from the same school. That is, 10 students from school A who enroll in UNESA, each one or two students choose a different study program.
For participants who pass, said Sukarmin, they are expected to pay attention to the following stages and requirements for re-registration:
1. On March 30-12 April 2022. Participants fill in their biodata and upload the following documents online on the https://sipenmaru.unesa.ac.id/simreg page via username, test taker number, password year, month, date of birth (fomat;yyyymmdd ):
- 2022 SNMPTN Participant Card;
- Smart Indonesia Card or KlP-Kuliah (for participants who are prospective recipients of KIP-college);
- Recent color photograph (red background, white shirt without attributes) size 4x6 cm (resolution 400x600 pixels) JPG or PNG format;
- Birth certificate
- KTP/SlM/Passport;
- Family card;
- Certificate from the school that the person concerned at the time of registration was a student at the school;
- Stamped statement letter that the person concerned is willing to cancel his graduation from the UNESA SNMPTN if at a later date he is declared not to have graduated from school in the 2021/2022 school year.
- Certificate of not being color blind from a doctor for prospective FBS students (Prodi; Visual Communication Design, Fine Arts Education, Fine Arts), FMIPA (Prodi; Physics, Physics Education, Chemistry, Chemistry Education, Science Education), FISH (Prodi: Education Geography), FT (all study programs) FIO (all study programs).
- Fill out the statement in accordance with the format o1/CAMABA/SNMPTN/2022 which can be downloaded at https://sipenmaru.unesa.ac.id/simreg.
- The latest proof of parental employment and income, validated by the workplace agency or a certificate from the village head or lurah. Upload both if you are working or one if only one of you is working.
- Proof of residential electrical power. It can be in the form of proof of bills or electricity payments for the last 3 months.
- Proof of bills or PBB payments for the last three years for the house occupied.
- List of dependents of parents who are still in school or college (Certificate of still in school or college from the relevant institution)
- Proof of invoice or payment of Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB), both cars and motorbikes owned.
2. On April 5-14, 2022, new students verify data
3. On April 15-17 2022, the determination of UKT
4. On April 18-29 2022, new students pay UKT for non-KIP participants. Study at Bank BTN in all Branch Offices and Sub-Branch Offices. The payment system can be done through a teller or BTN ATM. Congratulations, you have passed at UNESA. [UNESA PR]
Author : Saputra
Editor : @zam
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