Alhamdulillah I am fully satisfied and completely responsible! Thats what Faridatus Sholihah S. Sos. Daughter of H. Ahmad Sakhowi said. He felt that he had finished his scientific responsibilities at the undergraduate level. That achievement for him is a bonus from the prayers and efforts of all those who have helped him complete the educational journey he traveled. The achievements that he is getting are now dedicated to them; parents lecturers teachers staff employees friends and friends and most of all is for Allah SWT. For him this achievement is a proof of the responsibility of his caliphate on this earth. The student of the Faculty of Social Sciences majoring in Sociology S-1 earned a GPA of 3.79 with the cum laude predicate. The title of the thesis he took was Tafsir Nyai and Ning on the Education of Santri Women (Perspective of Hermeneutika Gadamer in the Yellow Book Text Study). The final work as well as the closing study in the undergraduate level he took the theme of womens education especially women from the santri community (pesantren) which was examined in Hans Georg Gadamers hermeneutic analysis. Thesis using hermeneutic analysis this is the first work in the history of the thesis of Sociology. Departing from his personal background as a member of the santri community he felt compelled to make the issue of seclusion womens education into a scientific study in his thesis. Seeing so many female students who cut opportunities to learn in their educational careers because of the dogma of religious interpretation of the rules that bind women through their yellow books. Currently the veiled woman is waiting for preparations for her graduate study that she will take by taking the Social Studies Study of Womens Studies concentration at Brawijaya University Malang. He is devoted to becoming a teacher in Sociology at Alhayatul Islamiyah Islamic School and English Subject at MTs Alhayatul Islamiyah in Malang City as well as being an English tutor at Alhayatul Islamiyah Islamic Boarding School. In addition he became a marketing manager at the Pesantren Drinking Water Company in Malang. Yes idly working while worshiping while serving hopefully blessing said the original Lamongan student laughing. He got the job and responsibility since mid-October 2014. Hopefully after this he can take a higher and broader level of education to become a lecturer in Sociology and a community service that is good for humanity. Hopefully this achievement would be a pecutan for me to be able to maintain it and make my personality better not even complacent and silent in pseudo pride. Hopefully this achievement will bring benefits to all parties especially to carve a smile on both of my parents hues as a small payment for all the sacrifices they have offered he hoped. (umi / mahmud)