EMO-VR innovation by experts and the UNESA PUID-DIC team enters the trial phase at SLBN Gedangan.
Unesa.ac.id. , SIDOARJO—Surabaya State University (UNESA) through the Subdirectorate of the Center for Excellence in Disability Science and Technology (PUID), Disability Innovation Center (DIC) continues to produce products and innovations in the field of disabilities. One of these innovations is based on Virtual Reality (VR) technology, namely EMO-VR.
This innovation entered the trial stage at the Gedangan State Special School (SLB), Sidoarjo on Monday, December 16 2024. EMO-VR is VR technology learning device designed to support self-regulation of students with autism.
This technology connects autistic students interacting in a simulated virtual environment to improve self-regulation skills, such as managing emotions and adapting in the learning process.
UNESA professor and Chair of the Indonesian Association of Orthopedagogical Professionals (APOI), Sujarwanto as head of the research team said that EMO-VR is still in the development stage.

Gedangan SLBN students use EMO-VR was accompanied by experts and the UNESA PUID-DIC team.
Gedangan SLBN Students using EMO-VR accompanied by experts and the UNESA PUID-DIC team.
"This innovation is designed to help autistic students' emotional regulation, such as recognizing sad feelings, happy, or enthusiastic. "The content is adapted to their learning styles and characteristics," he explained.
In its use, this technology allows teachers to control student activities via computer, so that students just follow the designed scenario.
This innovation works providing a safe and structured virtual environment for autistic students, improving teacher experience, utilizing interactive technology, feedback from users for evaluation of improvements in VR learning methods.

UNESA expert team and PUID-DIC provide guidance on how EMO-VR works and is used.
According to the Head of the Gedangan State SLB, Miseri, using EMO-VR is a new experience that brings great benefits to autistic students at school.
"Hopefully this technology will have a positive impact, especially in learning and developing communication skills students," he said.
The results of the trials and input from schools will continue to be managed to improve EMO-VR technology. In the future, this innovation will be presented at an international symposium involving disability experts from Southeast Asia.
The symposium is a collaboration between DIC UNESA with SEAMEO SEN and Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM). This agenda will be a place for socialization and discussion with experts in the field of disabilities, including introducing EMO-VR innovation as a learning solution for autistic disabilities that can be accepted globally.[*]
Reporter: Mochammad Ja'far Sodiq (FIP) and Nisrina Hikaru Putri Roshad (FIP)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA Public Relations Team
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