The 2024 Past Learning Recognition Program (RPL) Evaluation Meeting was attended by leaders and a number of RPL partners.
Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Institute for Professional Education and Certification (LPSP), Surabaya State University (UNESA) held an Evaluation Meeting for the Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) Program in 2024. This activity took place at the Movenpick Hotel Surabaya City, on Friday-Saturday, 29-30 November 2024.
Head of LPSP UNESA, Maspiyah said that RPL is not only for undergraduate or undergraduate level, but also Master's or Master's level. RPL, is the answer to the problem of professional staff who have not obtained or completed a bachelor's academic level.
"For example, in the PG-PAUD study program, many of them (RPL students) are already teachers, but not yet graduates, so this RPL is here to provide recognition to them as well as strengthen teacher capacity," he said.
Vice Chancellor II for Law, Management, Finance, Resources and Business, Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri conveyed the importance RPL is to strengthen human resource capacity among professionals.
"The spirit of RPL is to increase human resource capacity as well as open up learning opportunities and recognition of professional academic experience which of course complies with the KKNI rules and levels from 1-9 with each level having requirements respective competencies," he said.
In accordance with the Chancellor's direction, he emphasized that the quality of RPL should continue to be improved. "So that the learning experience of RPL students can be the same as regular students. "For this reason, all parties must work together, not only LPSP, study program coordination, academic team, PPTI, administration, finance, but all parties," he stressed.

The UNESA RPL program has been greatly benefited by a number of partners and is increasingly interested in it. This can be seen from the registration figures for a number of study programs.
Awang Dharmawan, Head of RPL Center reported that, in the odd semester 2024/2025, UNESA accepted a number of RPL students with details: 53 students for S-1 PG PAUD, 53 students for S-2 Educational Management a total of 68 students, S-1 PGSD accepted 65 students, S-2 PLB accepted 16 students.
Next, S-2 PLS numbered 11 students, S-1 State Administration numbered 23 students, S-1 Education There are 10 students in Geography, 18 students in Bachelor of Information Engineering, and 23 students in Vocational Technology Education Masters. "Conditions in the odd semester 2024/2025 can be said to be 70% of RPL students with the majority being Masters," he explained.
He added, in line with the target of the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (Kemendasmen), there are 295 thousand teachers in Indonesia who have not yet graduated (D4/S1), especially those in the 3T areas.
"This RPL will be one solution in overcoming the teacher gap in all regions of Indonesia, especially in the 3T areas," he said.
Secretary of the Surabaya City Government Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency or BKPSDM, Mamik Suparmi appreciated the RPL program. He said that in Surabaya there are 1,000 SK teachers, but they are not yet recognized as teachers. His party is working so that these 1,000 teachers can be recognized or appointed as teachers in Surabaya.
"We also have teachers who when civil servants entered the D-3 formation, but currently the law requires a minimum of S-1, so they can be equivalent to S-1 through this RPL program. "I am grateful that RPL can recognize teachers," he said. [*]
Reporter: Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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