The UNESA Labschool SD Pianica Team won 1st place in the ensemble B category.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—The internationalization program that is intensively carried out by the UNESA Labschool Institute is directly proportional to the achievements achieved by its students at the national level. Most recently, the students of SD Labschool UNESA 2 Surabaya made a proud achievement in the 2024 national piano competition at elementary school level some time ago.
They managed to win 1st place in the ensemble B category through a great performance shown by a team consisting of Athararya Nayottama Asmoroputra, Komang Deva Danendra, Bownja Violaadita Citaro Prasetyo, Nabila Azizah Putri Prasetya, and Airlangga Hima Prasetyo.
Next, Alia Kinara Putri Candria, Dericho Dwi Putra A. Reyhan Brillian Zaki, and Arkananta Putra Daneswara. They are sixth grade elementary school students. In the solo A category, class 2 student at SD Labschool UNESA, Humaira Jasmeen Nur Annisa Salsabillah managed to win 3rd place.
Thanks to this achievement, they not only received appreciation in the form of awards. However, what is even more proud is that Yamaha Corp Japan (YCJ) will visit the labschool to witness first hand the piano playing of students at Labschool UNESA 2 Surabaya Elementary School.
"Proud and unexpected. This is a step moment. National achievement but feeling internationally, after receiving news that Yamaha Corp Japan (YCJ) would be going to school in the near future," said Achmad Nabila, music teacher at Labschool Unesa 2 Surabaya Elementary School.
The teacher and trainer said that the championship title is the result of an intensive training process that lasted for two months, apart from other activities.
"I was moved to see the children's struggle. During the announcement, I was moved to tears witnessed their excitement. The results of their hard work during training were truly encouraging," he said.
He continued, dividing training time was a challenge in itself during the preparation period. Even though there are many activities and some take part in other competitions, the students remain focused on priority competitions.
As a coach, Nabil tries to maximize the children's abilities by providing quite difficult compositions and varied training methods to keep them interesting.
Head of SD Labschool UNESA 2 Surabaya, Hapsari Dewi added that this year's national level achievement was a leap from last year, when he won at the East Java level. This year he will be able to conquer the national stage.
He hopes that his students will not quickly become complacent, remain motivated to practice, and can continue to develop in the field of music.
He hopes that this will spur the enthusiasm of the students- other female students to continue to explore their abilities, to achieve international level achievements in the future.
"This achievement that makes you proud is a motivation for the school and students, so that they are more confident in exploring their interests and talents in order to achieve at national and international levels," he said.[*]
Reporter: Sindy Riska Fadillah (Fisipol)
Editor: @zam*
Photo : UNESA Labschool Team
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