Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - Advances in communication and information technology are growing rapidly, social media users in Indonesia have reached 170 million people. This trend requires educational institutions such as Islamic boarding schools to be active and creative in managing social media as a means of communication and da'wah to the wider community.
In order to improve the skills of pesantren human resources in designing and producing creative and interesting social media content, UNESA lecturers consisting of Muhammad Farid Ilhamuddin, S.Pd., M.Pd., Dr. Njalatun Naqiyah, M.Pd., Vinda Maya Setyaningrum, S.Sos., MA, and Ainur Rifki, S.Pd., M.Pd held training on social media management for administrators and social media admins of Al Falah Ploso Mojo Islamic Boarding School Kediri several last time.
PKM Team Leader M. Farid Ilhamuddin said that the training focused on social media platforms often used by Islamic boarding schools such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Tiktok and blogs. The direction of the training is on how to produce interesting and communicative content based on a combination of text, images, audio and video that is tailored to the characteristics of each of these social media platforms.
The purpose of the training, he continued, is to empower Islamic boarding school social media and also to facilitate students who are interested in becoming content writers and content creators. From this activity, he hopes that the social media of the Alfalah Islamic boarding school can become an interesting and creative propaganda media that can be accessed by many parties. In addition, students are also expected to be able to produce quality Islamic content and have clear references, especially in conveying symbols and messages of peace.
When students become teachers, lecturers or entrepreneurs, they also need social media skills. "We want Islamic boarding schools and students to be skilled at using social media as a support in achieving the goals of the pesantren and the students," he said. "This competency is still being used and needed in the future," he added.
For him, social media has an important role in disseminating information to the wider community. Social media is a place for users to participate, share, and exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. "This long-term training also equips students with communication technology competencies, because it is one of the competencies demanded by this century," said the UNESA Counseling Guidance lecturer.
KH. Fahim Royani, Caretaker of the Al-Falah Islamic Boarding School, expressed his gratitude to the UNESA PKM team for helping the administrators and students to be literate and creative in using social media. Gus Fahim hopes that the training can be followed up with cooperation in both mentoring and training and mentoring in other fields. [UNESA PR]
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