Surabaya - In order to welcome the era of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Surabaya State University (Unesa) will again roll out a new program . Unesa really realizes the importance of a forum to accommodate the creativity of lecturers and students. Therefore Unesa will run the Techno Park program. Techno Park is a college area that can be used by the industrial community. In other languages commonly known abroad are science parks science cities techno parks business parks technology corridors technology zones and so on. ( We want to have a vehicle to conduct and exhibit the results of research and creativity of Unesa academic community especially lecturers and students said Drs. Tri Wrahatnolo M.Pd. M.T. Vice Rector II of Unesa. This program requires a building that will become a center for lecturer and student activities related to technology. For this reason Unesa will build a building consisting of three floors. In the building various forms of activities will be held for example exhibitions training training introductions and so on. Tri explained on the first floor will be set as a place to display the work of lecturers and students. Gallery angles related to batik painting technology and technology products such as electric cars will be placed on this first floor. On the second floor will be used as a place for the process of making products on display on the first floor. So when people enter the first floor products will be presented while when they go up to the second floor will see the process. Or it could also be exchanged stressed the former dean of the engineering faculty. For the third floor the plan will be used as a hall where matches competitions and also graduation places. If Unesa will hold a fashion competition robot competition etc. it will be placed on the third floor. Tri really hopes this program will be realized. Because Unesa has some potential that is very supportive and requires this program. There are at least three main components owned by Unesa namely science technology and art. All three are covered in study programs at Unesa. As for the mission in implementing this program is the existence of the Ministry of Research and Technology and Higher Education which is responsible for tertiary education. Because our ministry of Research and Technology and Higher Education. Certainly prioritizing research he stressed. Tri added the design of this program planning had already been made. The building construction target will begin in 2016. Hopefully this program will be realized successfully he concluded hopefully. (Syaiful / PR)