Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-Exams are stressful. Likewise with the first day of UTBK at UNESA. In addition to being a determinant of whether participants are accepted or not at the destination college, it is also an indicator of the ability of participants. In order not to be tense and nervous, each participant has their own way.
There are those who overcome this by strengthening preparations such as studying and practicing working on questions ahead of time, there are those who calm down and believe in themselves and there are those who choose to arrive early so that they are not in a hurry.
For example, Syifa Nasiratul Toyyibah. The participant from Nganjuk said that he chose one of the study programs at Unair. However, as a place for the UTBK test, he chose UNESA due to the proximity of the location to his residence.
From home, he started Nganjuk around 03 o'clock and traveled about 102 km to UNESA. By arriving early, he can feel more relaxed and there is time to see the campus atmosphere while calming down. That way, there is a kind of motivation in itself to answer the questions to the maximum.
“The preparation is to learn questions on the internet and in books. Hopefully the results will be maximum and can take me to the majors and campuses that I hope for,” he hoped.
The participant from Bojonegoro, D Bernanda also said that he studied and practiced answering questions at home. With maximum self-preparation, he believes the results can also be as expected.
"I've learned to answer questions before, but the types of questions that I didn't learn came out and many didn't come out at UTBK," he explained.
The participant who chose the PLB and PG PAUD study programs at UNESA added that to avoid delays during the exam, he left at 8 am from his residence using a motorbike and arrived in Surabaya at around 12.00.
He is a participant of the second UTBK session. "The test was smooth and the trip here was safe and smooth. Hopefully the results will also pass at UNESA," he hoped.
For information, the first day of UTBK at UNESA went smoothly and safely without any problems. Technically it was smooth, the participants and the committee obeyed the prokes. The first day of UTBK on campus, the winners were attended by around 1,065 participants for each session. "Thank God it's smooth and safe. Hopefully it will run smoothly until the last session," hoped the Head of the UNESA Admissions Unit, Dr. Sukarmin, M.Pd. [UNESA PR]
Author: Esti and Nabila
Editor: @zam*
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