Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–UNESA's Department of Sports Coaching Education in collaboration with PSSI held a Soccer D License Course for PKO FIO students who took up soccer. This course will be held on Friday, November 26, 2021 at the FIO Building, Unesa, Lidah Wetan Campus. The course lasts for three days and consists of two waves of 30 students each.
Dr. Imam Syafi'I, M.Kes as a PKO Lecturer revealed that the purpose of the course was to equip PKO students who specialize in soccer to get a training certificate. Starting from licenses D, C and B. "God willing, until they pass," he said. The D to B licenses are expected to allow students to have the authority to teach, train in schools and in football clubs. Students who already have a license can also train in special football schools, academies and even clubs that compete on a national scale.
During these three days, the participants learned about soccer from the basics to how to train soccer for young children. "The focus is on an early age," he added. From this training, it is hoped that the participants can train professionally in soccer schools or soccer academies. During this three-day training, the participants will receive material directly from PSSI, Hanafing who was accompanied by David Agus Prianto, S.Pd., M.Pd.
This training is intended to improve the skills of PKO students specializing in soccer in training children at an early age, so that later they will become high-quality soccer athletes. "This is a long-term collaboration with a wide spectrum, not only in football training, but also in refereeing. Hopefully this collaboration with PSSI will continue, so that it can produce coaches, instructors, referees and athletes from our alumni, "he hoped. (UNESA PR)
Author: Hasna
Editor: @zam*
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