Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA--Surabaya State University held a ludruk performance of the play 'Babad Surabaya' at the Sawunggaling Performance Hall on August 19 2023. Accompanied by traditional music, a theater performance directed by the Director of Arts and Culture, Dr. . Trisakti, M.Si., and Yohan Susilo, S.Pd., M.Pd., were attended by guest stars; Jo Klytic and Jo Klutuk.
Trisakti said that this ludruk tells a love story that is quite dynamic and this is part of the Babad Surabaya. This activity is in the context of UNESA's 59th anniversary and the 78th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia (RI).
In this play, it is told that princess Purbawati is the daughter of Adipati Jayengrana who is favored and plans to be proposed to by the prince of Situbondo who is the daughter of Adipati Cakraningrat.
On the day of the proposal where the prince and his bodyguard arrived at Adipati Jayengrana's kingdom, instead of receiving it with a warm welcome. The princess actually chased away the Situbondo prince in a high tone and rejected his proposal outright. . So a condition was made that was believed to be impossible for the Situbondo prince to fulfill.
The princess and the Adipati Jayengrana royal family would accept the application if he was able to 'babad alas Wonokitri without pusoko' or 'cut down a tree in the Wonokitri forest. without using weapons'. Prince agreed.

On the other hand, a wealthy knight named Joko Taruno, who had proposed to Purwati's daughter long ago, immediately became jealous when the news about his beloved lover's proposal reached his ears.
He also devised a plan to thwart the Situbondo prince's efforts.
The dispute began, Joko Taruno with his cunning strategy sent an army of genies in the Wonokitri forest to kill the prince. But it failed because the magic of the Situbondo prince was at the highest level so that the jinn were blown away in a fierce battle.
Incessantly disrupting the Situbondo prince's efforts, now Joko Taruna sent two villagers named Joko Jumput and Joko Welly, who was given an heirloom whip to kill the prince who had a limp on one leg.
If you succeed in killing the prince, the two of them will be given two magnificent buildings and their contents. Fortunately, the prince of Situbondo, in the fight against Joko Jumput and Joko Welly, managed to escape before his body was completely split open by the terrible whip and left only his headband. . However, as if he broke his promise, Jaka Taruna immediately left without fulfilling his obligations to Joko Jumput and Joko Welly regarding the building and his contents. the prince's headband to the Adipati as proof of the fierce battle.
In the midst of the Duke's doubts in assessing the truth of the news conveyed by Joko Taruno, Joko Jumput and Joko Welly suddenly appeared and entered the palace complex to claim promises. Joko Taruno.
They also argued to state who actually had killed the prince of Situbondo. Adipati Jayengrana also ordered them to fight and compete with each other's powers, whoever wins will become his son-in-law. stone statue.

In the performance, the main character, Adipati Jayengrana, is played by Unesa Chancellor Prof. Nurhasan, Prof. Setya Yuwono as Adipati Cakraningrat, and Putri Purbawati, played by Herma Retno Prabayanti.
There is also the Oky Ristanto Collectus who plays the character Joko Taruna, Joko Jumput, played by Dr. Muhammad Sholeh, Joko Welly, played by Dr. Welly Suryandoko, and the prince of Situbondo, played by Lutfi Saksono. Apart from these names, this play also involved all Sendratasik lecturers, the Faculty of Languages and Arts as well as a number of UNESA officials. (*)
Reporter: Saputra
Editor: @zam Alasiah
Photo: Documentation of Public Relations Team
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