Unesa.ac.id, PROBOLINGGO-The quality of learning and learning in schools must continue to be improved. For this reason, the PG PAUD Department, Faculty of Education, UNESA held a 'Science Technology Engineering Art Mathematics (STEAM)-Based Learning Tool' training for teachers in Paiton, Probolinggo Regency on Monday, November 15, 2021.
The training was in collaboration with PG PAUN UNESA with IGTKI, GOPTKI and FKG PAI PAUD Probolinggo. As presenters, there were four speakers who were experts in their fields. In the first session, M.Reza, S.Psi., M.Psi conveyed about STEAM and high order thinking skills (HOTS). In the second session, Nurul Khotimah, M.Pd., explained about STEAM-based learning media.
Then in the third session Prof. Dr. Hj. Rachma Hasibuan, M.Kes delivered STEAM-based learning planning materials. Then, in the last session, Ruqoyyah Fitri, S.Ag., M.Pd brought material on the evaluation of STEAM learning. In that session, the teachers practiced planning and making STEAM-based learning tools that were guided directly by the presenters.
The chief executive, Nurul Khotimah, S.Pd, M.Pd., stated that the training was intended to improve the ability of teachers to design and implement STEAM-based learning for early childhood. According to him, the STEAM method is suitable to be applied because it is able to integrate several fields of knowledge into learning materials.
In addition, it can also stimulate creativity, critical and logical thinking skills, and problem solving abilities of early childhood. “This method can also increase children's awareness of the surrounding environment. Teachers must direct learning in that direction,” he said.
Nurul explained, at this time the world has experienced very rapid development in all aspects. The demands of technological development are the competence of human resources in the fields of science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics. In this regard, superior human resources must be prepared from an early age in elementary-level classrooms. "This training is a form of our attention and involvement in responding to the needs of teachers and schools in the regions," he said. [UNESA PR]
Author: PG PAUD UNESA Department Team
Editor: @zam*
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