Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—In order to strengthen global insight students, Surabaya State University Labschool (UNESA) will collaborate with the Jeddah Indonesian School (SIJ) in March 2024.
This collaboration was discussed by the Chair of the UNESA Labschool Foundation, Dra. Endah Purnomowati, M.Pd., and Director of Labschool, Prof. Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., as well as university leaders together with the Head of SIJ, Sutikno during his visit to Jeddah in early March 2024.
The Director of Labschool said that the collaboration with SIJ which is supported by the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Jeddah is part of efforts to increase international reputation and open up opportunities for students to gain experience and strengthen global insight through student exchange programs.
The internationalization program that is intensively carried out at Labschool involves two important components of the school, namely students and teachers, which is expected to increase the quality and experience in global level activities and discourse.
"With this collaboration, our students can undergo exchange programs, for example, as was done in Thailand and Malaysia some time ago. Students can learn many things there, learn "interacting with student-teachers at SIJ, sharing experiences and so on," said the Sragen-born professor.
Students at SIJ, he continued, come from various backgrounds, not only their parents are Indonesian migrant workers. However, many of them have one of their parents, whether their father or mother, some from Turkey, Bangladesh, Arabia, Nigeria and Pakistan.
“Our plans regarding this program have two schemes. We can bring in resource persons from SIJ and we can study directly there. "There is also an online collaborative learning program through smart classes," he said.
This collaboration, continued Prof. Sujarwanto, can build a new paradigm of learning, global diversity, global insight for students, which in the end will make students able to face the challenges ahead. []
Reporter: Saputra (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA Labchool Team Documentation
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