KOMPAK: All UNESA DWP administrators and members attended the 25th Anniversary of UNESA DWP.
Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Dharma Wanita Perempuan (DWP) Unit of the Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS), Surabaya State University (UNESA) commemorates the 25th Anniversary of the UNESA DWP in the Auditorium on the floor 4, Building T14, FBS, UNESA Campus II, Lidah Wetan, Surabaya on Monday, December 23 2024. The commemoration coincides with Mother's Day.
This activity carries the theme "Strengthening the Transformation Foundations of the Dharma Wanita PBB Organization towards Indonesia Gold 2045.” Chief organizer of the DWP anniversary, Fitriana, said that this day was an important historical milestone for the DWP.
She hopes that the DWP, both administrators and members, can maintain togetherness and collaboration to continue to create empowered and independent women. "We can't do things alone, but through collaboration," he said.
The General Chair of the UNESA DWP, Endah Purnomowati Nurhasan, said that the DWP must really prepare itself to join in the struggle to build the nation. One of the great nations starts from the family environment.

The General Chairperson of the UNESA DWP, Endah Purnomowati Nurhasan, expressed her gratitude to all administrators and members who are always united, holding activities that have an impact on women's independence and family resilience.
Great families are born from collaboration a neat relationship between women and men who complement each other in their respective roles, including in caring for and educating children as the nation's next generation.
"This long journey of 25 years has made Dharma Wanita is an organization that houses wives of state civil servants in a broad scope, not only to strengthen relationships. "However, it is a strong partner in national development," he said.
He emphasized the importance of organizational transformation in adapting to face rapid changes, both from technological, social and cultural aspects. DWP strives to be a dynamic organization that can embrace the times without losing its identity and spirit of service to the nation and state.

The chief executive of DWP's anniversary, Fitriana, in her speech hoped that on this historic day there would be family ties for all the DWP team is getting closer together, and making an impact.” src=
In this case, the transformation has been and will continue to be promoted including improving the quality of human resources, developing relevant programs, as well as strengthening the role of DWP in aspects of social life, technological and economic empowerment.
In welcoming a Golden Indonesia 2045, DWP UNESA will continue to strive to build the capacity of Indonesian women, especially members and extended families of the state civil apparatus to become more empowered and play an active role in various sectors of life.
"We are aware that the family is the smallest unit in creating a superior generation who will fill the nation's government in the future. "Let us use this momentum as an evaluation and reflection to increase participation in every DWP activity," he said.
This activity was also enlivened with donations for orphans, poetry readings, dance performances, spice mixing competitions, and closed with friendly session and group photos.[*]
Reporter: Fionna Ayu Shabrina (FMIPA)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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