Procession Ceremony to Commemorate the Birth of Pancasila June 1 2024 at Surabaya State University. The leadership and community members around the
Unesa., SURABAYA—In commemoration of the Birth of Pancasila, Surabaya State University (UNESA) held a ceremony which took place in the Rectorate Lobby on Saturday, June 1 2024. All levels of leadership and the 'House of Champions' campus community attended wearing traditional clothing from various regions. .
This ceremony was led by Prof. Dr. Wasis, M.Si, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA). In his speech, Prof. Wasis conveyed a direct message from the Head of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency of the Republic of Indonesia.
He conveyed the importance of commemorating Pancasila Birthday as a momentum to recall the noble values that are the basis of national and state life.
This momentum reminds us of when Bung Karno, the proclaimer of independence and founding father of the nation, first introduced Pancasila.
The theme "Pancasila is the Soul of Unifying the Nation Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045" has its own meaning. Pancasila unites nations with all ethnic, religious, cultural and linguistic differences in welcoming 100 years of advanced, independent and sovereign Golden Indonesia.
"We should be grateful as a pluralistic nation, Pancasila and its values "what it contains becomes a star that guides the life of the nation so that it conforms to the ideals of the founding of the country," he added.
Pancasila also contains noble values that uphold inclusivity, tolerance and mutual cooperation. The diversity that exists is a blessing that is woven into the national identity "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika".
The commemoration of Pancasila's Birthday also invites all components of the nation to ingrain Pancasila values into every aspect of social, national and state life. .
He reminded again of the evidence that Pancasila is able to unite the nation in facing various waves of challenges and historical tests. So that up to now Indonesia still stands strong and resilient as a great nation.
As a dynamic media, Pancasila is the guiding star that has brought Indonesia to the gate of progress and prosperity in the current era of globalization, technology and information.
"We must always embody and guide Pancasila so that it becomes a working ideology whose presence and benefits are felt by all Indonesian people," he said.
The development of the global situation is marked by advances in communication technology. so big it is a challenge in itself for the Indonesian people. It is hoped that Pancasila will become a filter so that the Indonesian people do not experience disorientation in the future.
The success that has been achieved by the Indonesian people cannot be separated from the mutual cooperation of all the nation's children and the Pancasila ideology as its basic foundation.
"We must be grateful and proud to have passed democratic general elections safely and peacefully for the sake of upholding popular sovereignty, the constitution, and national unity," he said.
"We invite all components of the nation to work together. -cooperate in caring for the gifts of Pancasila. Through the commemoration of Pancasila's Birthday on June 1, we must work together and collaborate to maintain harmony and integrity as a form of implementing the values of Pancasila," said Prof. Wasis.
This ceremony was attended by the leadership. , directors, heads of institutions, deans, lecturers, staff and UNESA students. The commemoration of the Birth of Pancasila at UNESA is an important moment to re-strengthen the commitment of the entire academic community in maintaining and implementing the values of Pancasila in everyday life. []
Reporter: Mohammad Dian Purnama (FMIPA)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Team Documentation Public Relations
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