Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA--The Postgraduate School together with the Confucius Institute (CI) of Surabaya State University (UNESA) held a workshop to strengthen the competency of Mandarin language teachers from China at the Confucius Institute Office, Moestopo Campus, Surabaya, on Saturday, November 11 2023.
Director of the UNESA Confucius Institute, Sueb, S.Pd., M.Pd., said that this program is a UNESA Postgraduate International PKM involving CI UNESA and Central China Normal University (CCNU).
In the future, the Mandarin language teachers who were brought directly from China received training and knowledge about Indonesian for Foreign Speakers (BIPA).
Apart from that, they will also be equipped academically regarding quality assurance, cultural approaches, how to conduct monitoring and evaluation in each end of the semester, to how to develop culture-based Augmented Reality (AR) technology media.
The CI Director emphasized that the UNESA Confucius Institute is an international foundation of the Chinese Government which has a mission in the fields of education and culture, especially Chinese and Indonesian culture. .
Similarly, UNESA Deputy Director for Postgraduate Academic and Student Affairs, Dr. Harmanto, S.Pd., M.Pd., in his speech conveyed the target that needs to be achieved after this activity, namely providing the BIPA program for Mandarin language teachers from China.
"So that when they return to their home country not only bringing supplies, but also bringing a Master's degree," said Harmanto.
Coordinator of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, Prof. Dr. Anas Ahmadi, S.Pd., M.Pd., was present as a speaker on that occasion. He explained about 'Learning Mandarin Language and Culture: A Cross Cultural Understanding Perspective'.
According to him, many terms in Indonesian were adopted from Mandarin, such as bakmi, bakwan, ping pong, bakpao, kwetiau. There are even greetings such as cici and koko for those with mixed Indonesian and Chinese blood, known as Chindo.
These borrowed languages certainly came from the large number of Chinese people who came to Indonesia thousands of years ago. Then there are also many acculturated cultures such as lion dances, eating with chopsticks, beliefs or religion, food, fashion, architectural styles of buildings that resemble Chinese building styles, to the culture of marriage between native people and Chinese people.
Then from In terms of philosophy, there is also a term that says 'seek knowledge as far away as China'. These are all manifestations of the connection between Indonesia and China linguistically and culturally.
After that, it was continued with a presentation on Augmented Reality as a Learning Media by Prof. Dr. Suparji, M. Pd; Dr. Arie Wardhono, S.T, M.MT., ph.D; Dr. Meini Sondang Sumbawati, M.Pd; Dr. Yeni Anistyasari, M.Kom. In this session, cross-cultural learning and augmented reality media were discussed, as well as how a person interacts with mobile applications and visual graphics using the Rupiah Wonderful Indonesia application made by Bank Indonesia.
The presentation was continued by the Deputy Director for Academic and Student Affairs, Postgraduate Unesa , Dr. Harmanto, S.Pd., M.Pd., who discussed the issue of education quality standards in Indonesia for Mandarin language teachers.
He further explained regarding mapping the quality of education at the educational unit level, making plans for improvement quality as outlined in the school's work plan, implementing quality fulfillment in the management of educational units and learning processes, carrying out monitoring and evaluation of the quality fulfillment process that has been carried out, and developing quality improvement strategies based on the results of monitoring and evaluation.
In a series of workshops there were also reputable scientific journal writing training. Then there is PKM to increase the ability of Chinese teachers in compiling classroom action research, and Quality Assurance Training for Foreign Mandarin Teachers. []
Reporter: Saputra
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Team Documentation Public Relations
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