Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Faculty of Education (FIP), State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held the 7th International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI) with the theme "Elevating Education and Teaching Systems to Empower the Excellent Civilization" at the Auditorium, Rectorate, Lidah Wetan Campus, on Saturday, 26 August 2023.
This conference was attended by a number of experts from various countries. There is Prof. Joseph Calvin Gagnon, Ph.D., professor of Special Education from the University of Helsinki Finland; Prof. Muhammad Kamarul Kabilan, Ph. D. from the Science University of Malaysia (USM); and Prof. Luzile Mae Satur from the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Cologne, Germany.
In addition, Dr. Ronald Macanip Quileste, Xavier University Philippines; and Dr. Sahib Khatoon of Mehrun University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro Pakistan. They were accompanied by domestic sources such as Prof. Dr. Mochamad Nursalim, M.Sc., professor of FIP UNESA and Saptandri Widiyanto, SH. DESS., DESM, Director of Makassar Aviation Polytechnic.
In his remarks, Junaidi Budi Prihanto, S.KM., M.KM., Ph.D., Vice Chancellor for Research, Community Service, Innovation, Publications and University Rankings, said that UNESA continues to improve research, community service, human resources, and the quality of education with international standards, one of which is through ICEI by FIP.
"It is hoped that through this conference there will be many new insights, new knowledge and new ideas in producing research and innovation to answer current and future education problems.
This conference discussed many educational issues, one of which was about 'Classroom Management Problems' which was conveyed by Mochamad Nursalim. the learning model applied so far is still traditional which has an impact on the lack of motivation of students and students, time management, and the use of inappropriate methods.
The solution offered to this problem is the transformation of the teaching model with the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). This method provides opportunities for students to access educational content via laptops, smartphones, or tablets.
Using the BYOD method, students can learn how to make choices, create a positive learning environment, establish forums where students can collaborate to solve problems, and actively participate in interest and talent activities. "Students may use devices, but there needs to be data security and teacher supervision," he said. , teacher monitoring, collaboration between students and teachers for learning discussions in online forums, managing applications and content, as well as evaluating the use of devices by measuring students' ability to master the material.
Inclusive Education< /p>
In the next session, Joseph Calvin Gagnon, argued that educational problems were not limited to teaching staff, but also related to behavior problems or behavioral problems, especially in inclusive education.< /p>
He added the idea of multi-tiered or levels in supporting the behavior system consisting of; General Support (differentiation learning), Intensified Support (special assistance), and Special Support (effective facilities and management for inclusive schools).
He recommended for inclusive educators to build inter-university evaluations in terms of youth behavior, ensure communication between learners with disabilities, and provide materials for proactive implementation in the field of inclusive education.“A system of behavioral supports can be applied and developed in inclusive education
According to him, Finland has the quality of education which is a reference for other countries. However, it has almost the same problems as Indonesia in the field of special education which includes learning methods and the limited knowledge of teachers in dealing with children with disabilities.
In improving quality and equity in education, quality access for students with disabilities must be the basis important in the development of education. According to Prof. Muhammad Kamarul Kabilan, Ph. D. from the University of Science Malaysia that collaborative learning planning is a big challenge for educators in this transformation period.
"Therefore, digital communication plays an important role in online learning. Connections with access can be understood as learning opportunities or to get quality education services according to their conditions and needs. Of course, this access has been prepared, but it needs to be extended to the most remote and remote areas," he explained. [*]
< p>Author Team: Rafa Afifa Maharani/FadinaEditor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Documentation from Public Relations Team
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