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Unesa.ac.id Surabaya & ndash; Unesa is again a campus study destination. This time SMAN 1 Babat Lamongan along with 199 students and 11 assistant teachers took the time to visit and explore information from Unesa. Located in the Prof. Auditorium Dr. Leo Idra Ardiana M.Pd. Language and Arts Faculty (FBS) Lidah Wetan Campus a group from Lamongan was welcomed by the Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs at FBS Dr. Mintowati M.Pd. Head of Academic Affairs Academic Student Planning and Cooperation Bureau (BAKPK) Sugeng Waluyo S.Pd. S.ST. and Representatives from Public Relations Unesa Vinda Maya Setianingrum S. Sos . MA Thursday (4/4).
Ika Novita M.Psi. As the coordinator of this group explained the purpose of visiting Unesa in addition to friendship also to provide motivation to class XI students to want continue their studies to college. The Deputy Principal for Student Affairs also added that the information obtained could be utilized so that students could compete with students from other schools. & ldquo; This year there are 2 of our students who were accepted at Unesa. Hopefully next year with this visit our students will be accepted at Unesa more and more. We from the school also hope that the ideals of our students do not stop only at the high school level & rdquo; said Ika.
Besides students and teachers from SMAN 1 Babat who were present Unesa students who were also alumni from the high school took time to attend. Around 7 Unesa students from study programs at FBS and the Faculty of Economics (FE) take the time to just socialize with teachers and provide motivation to their younger generation. One of them Febriyanti student of Unesa from the 2018 Business Administration Education Program explained that this visit was very helpful in understanding information related to Unesa in detail and in depth. & ldquo; Keep the Spirit for students of class XI SMAN 1 Tripe. We await your arrival at Unesa & rdquo; said Febriyanti. (Suryo)
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