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Unesa.ac.id Surabaya & ndash; Successfully passed the National Higher Education Entrance Entrance Test (SNMPTN) is something to be proud of. Not only from prospective students who are accepted but schools that have become places to study. One of them is SMAN 1 Plemahan Kediri where 4 students are able to pass the SNMPTN and continue their education at Unesa.
To address this the only high school in the Plemahan region held a campus study at Unesa the goal being that students who now sits in class XI can be motivated by the achievements of his generation older brother. A total of 219 students and 15 accompanying teachers gathered at the Prof. Auditorium Dr. Leo Idra Ardiana M.Pd. Faculty of Language and Art (FBS) Unesa Lidah Wetan Campus to receive material and information (25/4).
Drs. H. Abdul Basith M.A. as the Principal of SMAN 1 Plemahan revealed that campus orientation is an activity that must be prioritized for the benefit of students. "There are 4 of our students who were successfully accepted at Unesa through the Unesa pathway. They are spread across Civil Engineering study programs Building Engineering Education English and Islamic Economics. Hopefully next year there will be at least double our students who are accepted through the same path & rdquo; Abdul explained.
In the event present as presenters and representatives from Unesa Deputy Dean of Academic FBS Dr. Mintowati M.Pd. and the Head of Academic BAKPK Sugeng Waluyo S.Pd. S.ST. Responding to the success achieved by students of SMAN 1 Plemahan Sugeng Waluyo said that the passage of 4 students to Unesa became the capital for the SNMPTN 2020. "Because the 4 people who successfully passed this will become an assessment component for next year. Hopefully the teacher can give motivation to students who enter Unesa so that their performance does not decrease when they go to college & rdquo; Sugeng explained. (Suryo)
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