UNESA.ac.id. SURABAYA - Teacher Professional Education Agency (BPPG) Surabaya State University (Unesa) held a chatting together (ngobar) PPG students and the Unesa Academica Civitas at the LPS Auditorium, Campus II Tongue Wetan, Surabaya, Thursday, March 13, 2025. Ramadan Blessing for all "presents a number of speakers namely Suko Widodo, Lecturer in Communication of Airlangga University (Airlangga University) as well as the East Java Education Council.
In addition, also attended by the Chairperson of LPPM UNESA, M. Turhan Yani, and Kiswanto, Head of the Sidoarjo and Gresik Education Office Branch. The leadership of UNESA and the leadership of BPPG UNESA also appeared to be present.
On that occasion, Kiswanto explained 3 things that are the challenges of teachers at this time, namely competence, ethics, and health problems. Teacher competencies are currently tested from two directions.
One side, the teacher is required to have broader and deeper knowledge so as not to be left behind by students who are increasingly critical.
On the other hand, the teacher also needs to have the ability to overcome students who have an easy tendency to complain and give up when given assignments or challenges. on an ongoing basis, "he said.
The teacher is required to understand the characteristics of different students so that the ethics applied must be adjusted. When teaching elementary school students are certainly different from junior and senior high schools because their cognitive and emotional development levels are also different.
Therefore, teachers need a deep understanding of the characteristics of students at each level in order to provide appropriate treatment. In addition, teachers are required to understand the health of students and maintain their own health.
Suko Widodo On that occasion also sharing experiences about challenges that must be responded wisely by teachers at every level of education. As an educator, the teacher must certainly be a role model or example for students, must also have the spirit to continue to learn. Not to forget he explained the importance of a teacher in giving an example. [*]
Reporter: Ajwa Elizia Alwi (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Unesa Public Relations Team
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