Unesa.ac.id Surabaya & ndash; Indonesia lacks 91000 vocational school earning teachers. Meanwhile only 37 percent are currently prepared. The rest are adaptive and academic teachers. Overcoming this the government took many ways one of which was by revitalizing the Educational Workforce Education Institution (LPTK). Director General of Institution of Science and Technology DIKTI Dr. Ir. Patdono Suwingyo M.Eng. Sc had the opportunity to discuss the basis direction and orientation of the revitalization aspects together with the leadership of the Surabaya State University (Unesa) in the Unesa Campus Rectorate Building Lidah Wetan Campus on Friday (6/14/2019).
Dr. Patdono explained many things about what needs to be done and aspects of government policies related to the revitalization program. He said that the number of teachers in Indonesia was indeed large but his competence needed to be significantly improved and that needed commitment by the government and all LPTKs including Unesa. "The number of our SMKs has increased but the number of productive teachers has not even increased" he said. he said. & ldquo; Adaptive teachers who have been transformed into productive teachers through formulation during three months of training & rdquo; Patdono added.
The direction of the revitalization policy from 2015 to 2019 took six strategies namely comprehensive LPTK reform to improve the quality of teacher education quality implementation LPTK involvement in the process of planning and teacher procurement based on an analysis of teacher needs per region district and city Quality assurance of prospective students entering LPTK through a selection process based on a merit system as well as strengthening teacher induction and mentoring programs. In addition it is developing a teacher training curriculum that is responsive to the actual needs and implementation of teacher professional education for prospective new teachers with a boarding scholarship pattern. "We are optimistic the revitalization and commitment of 47 LPTK universities throughout Indonesia will certainly be able to answer that challenge" he said. he said.
Unesa Rector Prof. Dr. Nurhasan M.Kes in his speech said that the policy of revamping the LPTK system to answer the lack of productive teachers actually became an opportunity that could be responded to well so that Unesa could rise in national and international rankings. "Right now we are ranked 29th through this Unesa must show quality in order to move up to 20th in its target & rdquo; Nurhasan said optimistically. Many things were discussed seriously by the Director General with the ranks of Unesa officials even to the joint commitment to improve research and international publications for educators as well as the problem of the availability of incentives for certain race supervisors. "Unesa lecturers must have more and more national and international level achievers and more and more graduates are achieving and must become pilot educators for other campuses" he said. said Nurhasan. (vin / why)
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