Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Government (Pemkot) is intensifying collaboration with universities. Through the Department of Population and Civil Registration, the City Government cooperates with nine universities, one of which is the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) to launch the 'Independence Study at the Independent Campus of Population Administration' on Friday, February 4, 2022 at Surabaya City Hall.
Mayor of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi, ST., MT., said that through this collaboration program, students had the opportunity to learn and directly implement scientific fields in helping the city government solve problems in various fields.
The man who was once the head of Bappeko Surabaya also invited students to do research and take advantage of the laboratory owned by the Surabaya City Government. "So later we can collaborate with students who have Surabaya ID cards, so they can work immediately and can directly create jobs," he said.
Surabaya Corporate University Pilot
Through this program, Mayor Eri hopes that the City of Surabaya can become a pioneer for Corporate University and how students on campus can do internships at the municipal government. “In the municipal government, there are various majors, yes there is technique, there is accounting, there is also a section that goes down to the field. So that the internship at the municipal government can be a subject of learning with credits, “he said.
On the other hand, the program can help the city government in various fields. For example, education and sports students from UNESA can participate in developing education and sports villages in Surabaya. Then, medical students from Unair can provide assistance in handling stunted and malnourished babies or civil engineering students from ITS can participate in development planning.
"Not yet students from other campus majors, if all these forces are united, then God willing, we can do anything. Alhamdulillah, today the great rectors of various campuses provided assistance with the strength of their campuses through independent learning campuses to encourage development in the city of Surabaya, thank you very much (thank you very much, red)," he said.
Within the next month, he hopes that the entire Surabaya area should know that development in Surabaya is also supported by all universities. "Later, each region will be filled with representatives from universities," he said again.

Expect Civil Pendukcapil Breakthrough to RT/RW Level
Meanwhile, UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., stated that the collaboration program can provide opportunities for students to develop themselves and compete according to their passion. When students have a passion in the field of education and enjoy educating, they can be facilitated and directed to work fields or related fields on and off campus, including in the municipal government.
"This collaboration program is an extraordinary breakthrough, where the City Government and universities can build and benefit each other for the cities of Surabaya and Indonesia, which are more responsible and continue to grow," he said.
He also hopes that this collaboration can encourage population and civil registration services (Pendukcapil) in the Surabaya City Government to the RW and RT. How do the service aspects and population administration processes fit the era. "Now is the 5.0 era, the digital era and the hope of this collaboration is that the digital population administration process is not complicated but still accurate. There needs to be a leap and joint innovation for the progress of the city of Surabaya," he hoped.

Smart University Governance
Head of UNESA MBKM, Dr. Muhammad Soleh, M.Pd said that the collaboration was aimed at, a) increasing the competence of students and lecturers, b) preparing graduates as future leaders of the nation with excellent and personality, c) facilitating learning, research, and community service activities by students. and lecturers, 4) support the Surabaya city government in the field of population administration services.
The object and scope of the collaboration is implementing the Tridarma of Higher Education in the Merdeka Learning program at the Merdeka Campus, which includes internships or work practices for students and lecturers at the Department of Population and Civil Registration at the Surabaya City Government.
The spirit of collaboration is in accordance with the spirit of UNESA in facing the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0. In the future, UNESA is determined to carry out university governance that leads to a smart university, namely an entrepreneurial-based university, implementing good governance, being independent and having an international reputation.
The development of smart universities is needed by UNESA to anticipate the development of industry 4.0 and society 5.0. All activities are aimed at human welfare with the support of established systems and information technology. The implementation of smart universities is not only to develop smart services that are fast and effective, but also to develop healthy institutions, namely by implementing smart systems and good governance. (UNESA PR]
Author: Aida
Editor: @zam*
photo : personal documentation
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