The struggle for Zakiah Mufida Alfiana is now bearing fruit. Even though he needed to study for 9 semesters he was awarded cum laude with a GPA of 3.68. Married in college might be considered difficult by some people but for this alumni of SMK Negeri 10 Surabaya thats where he got a lot of motivation for better. I want to show parents that by getting married I can still focus on college said this S-1 Office Administration Education student. However it is not easy to run a college with status as a housewife. The most memorable obstacle was when they were about to take part in a seminar proposal (Sempro). Until just sempro at that time I was 7 months pregnant. With the hope of being able to graduate on time but in fact had to add a semester due to childbirth the woman was born May 18 1992. Complete a thesis entitled Effect of Organizational Culture on Organizational Commitment to Employees of PT. Sinar Sosro Surabaya was passed through a heavy process. But he believes with effort and prayer to the Almighty will make it successful. This was also proven by being active in the Islamic Spirituality Activity Unit (UKKI) in the early semester and serving as a private tutor. After graduation the mother of one child plans to focus on caring for her baby and developing the Motorantiks business which is currently being occupied. Cb-cb motorcycle spare parts are like that concluded the best graduate of the Faculty of Economics is full of optimism. (Emir)