unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA – Students of the Master of Educational Technology program, Faculty of Education, Surabaya State University (FIP UNESA) have carried out an academic visit to the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Center for Early Childhood Care Education and Parenting (SEAMEO CECCEP) in Bandung. This visit aims to broaden students' insight and knowledge regarding the development and management of training in the field of early childhood education (PAUD), especially in the application of educational technology to support child development and care. This activity was held on Tuesday, October 23 2024 in Bandung. TP Masters students class of 2023 accompanied by Dr. Andi Mariono, M.Pd. as Coordinator of the Educational Technology Masters Study Program, Dr. Irena Y. Mureen, S.Pd., M.Sc. and Dr. Khusnul Khotimah, M.Pd., as a lecturer in the Educational Technology Master's Study Program, as well as the Educational Technology Master's Quality Assurance Unit, Hirnanda Dimas Pradana, M.Pd.
SEAMEO CECCEP is a center for the development of early childhood education and care in Southeast Asia which focuses on research, training and policy development related to PAUD. This visit provides an opportunity for Master of Educational Technology students to understand more deeply how technology can be applied effectively in the field of early childhood education as well as how to manage PAUD programs at the regional level.
Increasing Competency in Technology Education for PAUD
This visit is designed to provide students with a more comprehensive understanding of the role of technology in improving the quality of education for early childhood. Dr. Andi Mariono, M.Pd., coordinator of the visiting Educational Technology Masters study program, explained that one of the main objectives of this visit was to understand how SEAMEO CECCEP utilizes technology to support holistic education for early childhood. "Educational technology has a very important role in early childhood learning, but the approach is certainly different from other levels of education. "This visit provides an opportunity for students to see how technology can be designed specifically for PAUD," said Dr. Andi Mariono, M.Pd.
Series of Visit Activities
During the visit, students were involved in several important activities aimed at expanding their knowledge about PAUD and its implementation technology in care and education, including:
- Presentation Session: The SEAMEO CECCEP team gave a presentation about the innovative projects they are currently running, including how the center works together with countries in Southeast Asia in developing policies and best practices in the field of PAUD.
- Interactive Discussion: Students also discuss directly with experts from SEAMEO CECCEP regarding challenges and opportunities in application of technology for early childhood learning, especially in the digital era.
- Case Studies: Students examine several case studies related to the implementation of technology in childcare, carried out in various SEAMEO member countries . They also gained insight into how PAUD education policies in Southeast Asia are developing to respond to global challenges.
Benefits and Learning from the Visit
Through the visit This time, students gain in-depth insight into management strategies for technology-based early childhood education programs. This visit also helps students identify how educational technology can be integrated optimally in learning that is appropriate to the developmental stages of early childhood. A student, Ainur Rofiq, said that this visit opened up a new understanding of the challenges in developing appropriate learning content for early childhood. “We learned about the importance of designing educational technology that is not only interactive, but also supports children's social and emotional development. "This visit provides a lot of relevant insights for our research in the field of educational technology," he said.
Long Term Impact
This visit to SEAMEO CECCEP is expected to provide positive impact on the scientific development of UNESA FIP Educational Technology Masters students, especially in developing their skills to create innovations in the field of early childhood education. Apart from that, this visit also opens up opportunities for FIP UNESA to collaborate further with SEAMEO CECCEP in research and development of technology-based early childhood education programs.[]
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