Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA-The S-3 Student Guidance and Counseling (BK) of Surabaya State University (UNESA) led by Ari Khusumadewi left for Malaysia to take part in the Workshop in Counseling and International Conferences held Doctoral cooperates with international scientists in carrying out dissertation and publication research. "International activities can encourage students to always update science, learn at any time and motivate themselves to focus on graduating doctorates," he said.
The counseling conference at UPM brought ACA President Christine Suniti Bhat, from Ohio University. Christine Suniti Bhat as a resource person and gave a discussion time together with S-3 BK Unesa students about American and Indonesian cooperation in guidance and counseling.
According to Christine there were many benefits if they were members of the American Counseling School that could be accessed such as participating in workshops, magazines, journals, and many more. To study in America requires English/Toefl IBT 80 requirements. For this reason students and lecturers need to improve English skills.
S-3 BK Study Program also expands the network of cooperation with Jaana Kettunen, Professor of the Finish Education Institute from Finland for Joint Research and Publication in the field of education. Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depression
Counseling guidance consisting of Dian Oktaviana and Ayonk Lianawati participated in the workshop "Brief Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depression" which is a series of Word Counseling Conference 2025. This activity was attended by dozens of participants both from students and lecturers from various countries to understand more in the cognitive therapy technique of behavior in dealing with mental health problems.
In this activity the basic concepts of Brief CBT were discussed, which is a cognitive therapy approach that is short but effective, designed to help individuals in managing negative thoughts and developing a more adaptive coping strategy.
social anxiety, or feelings of depressed due to academic demands and personal life.
By following this workshop, students can better understand how to manage negative mindset and apply Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) independent By opening up to conduct an international network in the field of guidance and counseling, "said Dian Oktaviana, S-3 BK Unesa student. []
Author and Documentation: Team Study Program S-3 BK UNESA
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