Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA - Surabaya State University (Unesa) Through the Directorate of Law, Management, and Reform of the Bureaucracy Most Realizing the Integrity Zone in all faculties and work units. For this reason, a Focus Group Discussion was held or FGD Assessment of the Integrity Zone (ZI) 2025 "on Thursday, February 27, 2025, at the Auditorium, LPSP Unesa Building, Campus 2 Tongue Wetan.
This activity was attended href = "https://unesa.ac.id/"> UNESA . Director of Law, Management, and Bureaucratic Reform, Sulaksono said, the FGD was intended to prepare a Faculty of Singkung. This team is given assistance in order to understand the plot or process, including how to fill in the evaluation worksheet and the assessment system, "said Sulaksono.
UNESA committed to creating an Inclusive Integrity or Environment Zone and providing the best service. "This evaluation is not only about ensuring security and feasibility, but also about fulfilling the aspirations to provide responsible services," he explained.
The preparation of ZI starts from the formation of the Faculty ZI team with a decree or decree of the Dean, Setting the Evaluation Worksheet or LKE in the Inspirational Account with the Faculty Account, Determination of Agents of Change with Dean Decree.
Dean, Filling in LKE 2024 as a condition for participating in the assessment of ZI WBK 2025, and filling LKE outside of 6 areas (survey, Overview of ZI Development, and Prerequisite Documents).
Head of Bureaucratic Reform Sub Directorate, Eni Wuryani said that the LKE ZI 2025 assessment, focused on the fulfillment of targets as in the previous year, 2023–2024. "Maybe, it can be said that in 2024 yesterday, the Rector's Performance Agreement (PK) had reached 100%," he explained.
Next, Eni said that this assistance is needed considering there are several updated rules. He gave support to the entire ZI UNESA team to race to get the best score in the upcoming assessment.
"Last year, Fisipol managed to get the Zi award from the Ministry of Education and Culture 2024. Hope in the future, hopefully other faculties can imitate and follow the success," he said.
This FGD was accompanied by Unesa Internal Reviewers, who would later provide advice and input. One of the latest Faculties of UNESA, the Faculty of Medicine, was also present in this activity.
Satria Eureka Nurssesatmata, as the lecturer and team leader of ZI FK expressed his enthusiasm. He said that FK could achieve the best score this year.
"In the future, we will continue to strive to increase the fulfillment of assessment indicators so that it can be better than before. With this event, it is hoped that the team will be more ready and the results will increase, "he said. [*]
Reporter: Dewanda Puspita (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Unesa Public Relations Team
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