Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—Students of the 2nd batch of Teacher Professional Education (PPG) program, Surabaya State University (UNESA) held the "Free Teacher Initiative Festival" at the LPSP building, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya on Tuesday, August 29 2023.
The chief executive, Muhammad Bagus Trilaksono said, this theme is a passion for prospective professional teachers who must be able to innovate according to the needs of students and technological demands. While the theme of independent teachers is an implementation of the implementation of an independent curriculum that needs to be continuously strengthened.
This activity is an implementation of the Leadership Project course. Each student group is required to carry out a project based on needs and problems in the field. "We chose this project because it relates to teachers' demands which we think need to be continuously strengthened," he said.
The festival was attended by 12 departments, 21 classes, 65 groups. Overall, the number of participants reached 500 students. This event was also attended by the leadership of the Institute for Professional Education and Certification (LPSP), deans, assessor lecturers, representatives of new students and representatives of SMA Surabaya.
The man who is familiarly called Bagus hopes that next year's project title will be more lively and more innovative. He also hopes that batch 2 PPG Pre-service students can become professional teachers and can provide knowledge independently with learning innovations that are beneficial to teachers and students. Actually, it's a problem for students and teachers in the classroom. From there, we try to find creative and innovative solutions. Of course this cannot work alone, it needs collaboration and that is what we are doing,” he concluded.
LPSP Director, Dr. Martadi, M.Sn., said, this month PPG UNESA became the LPTK with the best graduation rate in Indonesia. UNESA received a score of 85 above a number of other campuses. He hopes that the products or projects produced by PPG students will not be finished at the exhibition, but need to continue to be developed and can even become copyrighted. His party will help with administration and costs.
He appreciated the work and products produced by the students. Each group is different. There are modules, media and learning methods that can be applied in schools or organizations. "All the groups involved are given certificates as portfolios or proof that they have carried out a project or produced a product," said Martadi. [*]
Reporter: Lukman
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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