Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—The Chancellor of Surabaya State University (UNESA) inaugurated the Organization and Student Affairs (Ormawa) administrators starting from the University BEM, Student Consultative Council (MPM), to the Chair of UNESA UKM for the 2024 period at the Auditorium on the Floor. 11, Rectorate, Lidah Wetan Campus II, Surabaya on Friday, February 2 2024.
The inauguration ceremony was also attended by the leadership; Deputy Chancellor for Education, Student Affairs and Alumni, Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Si, Vice Chancellor for Research, Community Service, Innovation, Publications and Rankings at Junaidi University Budi Prihanto, S.KM., M.KM., Ph.D., Director of Student and Alumni Affairs Dr. Muhamad Sholeh, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Apart from that, the entire ranks of the deans and deputy deans as well as the supervisors of the UNESA student organization were also present. The solemn inauguration ceremony began with the reading of the Decree of the 2024 UNESA Ormawa management, which was followed by the reading of the oath of office led by the rector.
The oath of office or management contained the commitment of the new Ormawa management to continue to maintain the reputation of the university in the future. better.

In his address, the chancellor, who is familiarly called Cak Hasan, emphasized that changing management is a natural cycle of an organization. Management, he continued, is not for vanity, but a forum for carrying out the mandate and responsibilities attached to it.
"Everyone has his time, and the best time is when the people in it do things that have a good impact on the institutions. students-society and leaving the best for student-society institutions," stressed Cak Hasan.
The Chancellor expressed his appreciation and thanks to all the Ormawa administrators who have given their best to Unesa so far. He hopes that what has been done and inherited by the previous management can continue to be improved, elaborated and innovated by the new management.
"We advise all administrators to carry out their mandate seriously and maintain the good name of the alma mater everywhere "We are here. Make your alma mater proud with ideas, actions, achievements, works and innovations that have a positive impact," said Cak Hasan. []
Reporter: Mochammad Ja'far
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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