Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—The UNESA PPKS Task Force continues to intensify steps to prevent sexual violence in the campus environment. One of the activities that has just been held is the 'PPKS Task Force Greets' which involves UNESA staff and students online on Friday, 20 October 2023.
The PPKS Task Force Greets is a program held by the PPKS Task Force under the auspices of the Crisis Center Mitigation Unit (SMCC) as a medium for conveying information regarding sexual violence which is currently rampant.
In collaboration with the staff, the PPKS Task Force greeting activity was presented by the Chair of the PPKS Task Force, Prof. Dr. Mutimmatul Faidah, M.Ag., and Iman Pasu Marganda Hadiarto Purba, S.H., M.H., as Head of Sub-Directorate for Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence.
In this era, sexual violence has become something that has full urgency and can be handled effectively Serious. Actions that need to be taken include protection of victims, problem resolution mechanisms and consequences for perpetrators.
The Chair of the PPKS Task Force, Mutimmatul Faidah, said that the chance of sexual violence occurring in the campus environment is relatively high. This can come from various parties with various backgrounds or locations.
"It can happen between lecturers and students, staff and students, students and students, students and external parties and so on. And the place where the incident can occur is in the environment "campuses such as classes, mosques, bathrooms, internships, KKN or PLP. Everything can happen without knowing the place and the victim," he said.
Regarding the high chance of sexual violence occurring, Mutimmatul warned all members of the community. UNESA academics to be more sensitive and aware of sexual violence which can affect all groups. Because, forms of sexual violence can not only be carried out directly but also online through various platforms.
If you find deviant behavior that leads to sexual violence, it is hoped that the Unesa academic community will be able to take several actions such as; 1) divert the victim's attention, 2) reprimand him directly so that the suspect of sexual violence can stop his actions, 3) record the incident to be used as evidence for the complaint and 4) accompany the victim to get further action.
Iman Pasu Marganda Hadiarto Purba said that regulations regarding sexual violence have been contained in various legal umbrellas, including Law Number 44 of 2008 concerning Pornography, Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions, Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning PPKS and Permendikbudristek PPKS (Administrative).
He continued, written regulations are useful to provide a deterrent effect and protection for victims. Bearing in mind, there are many forms of sexual violence that can occur unexpectedly, such as photo editing, brand ambassador fraud by asking to attach photos in skimpy clothing, virtual dating, dating, and other forms of sexual deviation.
So, regulations have been formulated regarding sexual violence is made based on human rights and Pancasila as a reinforcement of policies and legal sanctions for suspects. From here, the UNESA academic community, especially staff and students, are invited to also voice that sexual violence is something that must be immediately eradicated in accordance with applicable rules and regulations.
"From the regulations that have been established regarding sexual violence, it can be "The heaviest sanctions have been determined for the suspects. As in the Minister of Education, Culture and Research and Technology PPKS Regulation regarding administrative sanctions starting from light sanctions such as publication of the perpetrator to heavy sanctions whose decisions can be recommended by the task force outside the existing regulations," explained Imam.
Imam hopes, The entire UNESA academic community is consciously concerned about sexual violence, especially in assisting victims. The PPKS Task Force continues to be committed to providing services and protection for the Unesa academic community from crimes of sexual violence.
For this reason, UNESA academic members who encounter forms of sexual violence or wish to report acts of sexual violence can visit email https://satgasppks.unesa.ac.id/, visiting the Secretariat: 4th Floor Rectorate Building, Instagram: @satgasppks_unesa and Call Center 085852885850 . []
Reporter: Hiline Wijayanti
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation < /p>
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