Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The Faculty of Engineering, State University of Surabaya, has again recorded achievements at the national level. Through the Garnesa Racing Team, they won first place in the urban diesel engine class in the Energy Efficient Car Contest (KMHE) 2021 which was held at the Bung Tomo Circuit (GBT) on 16-19 November 2021. In the final round, the UNESA team compete with 23 teams from other campuses.
Garnesa Racing Team's Advisory Lecturer, Agung Prijo Budijono, ST., MT., said that his team also won the eco fun race in that class. During the competition, precisely in the first race, his team had a chain problem. However, after making improvements and trying again in the next race, the UNESA team was finally able to finish the race perfectly.
He was also tensed because of body contact between the UNESA team's car and other teams during the race. "Thankfully, Garnesa was able to keep his distance and was able to finish the race well," he explained.
Ending the race is not easy. "To be able to join the race, participants must pass 10 scoring posts or what is called the technical inspection post," said Firman Yasa Utama, S.Pd., M.T., as the KMHE committee from UNESA. He continued, all participants had the opportunity to race five times. The best results will be used as a reference in the final assessment.
The race has several rules, in the prototype category, participants must complete one race consisting of eight laps or equal to 9,600 meters with a maximum travel time of 27 minutes. Meanwhile for the urban category, participants must also complete one race consisting of eight rounds and must be completed in a maximum of 25 minutes. "More than that time, it is considered did not finish or DNF," he explained.
Garnesa Racing Team managed to finish the race well. "We recorded a score of 111.92 km/liter," said Ricky Surya Pranata, Head of the Garnesa Racing Team. He added, Garnesa not only won this year, but in previous years' KMHE also often won first place.
At the 2020 KMHE, the UNESA team also won first place in the urban category for the steering and braking system class. At the 2019 KMHE, it won the third place in the urban diesel category. At KMHE 2018 Garnesa won first place in the urban diesel category and first place in the FDR Award Best Lap. For this achievement, the Vice Dean for Student Affairs and FT Alumni Dedy Rahman Prehanto, S.Kom., M.Kom., said he was proud of all team members who succeeded in making FT UNESA proud in this prestigious competition.
Appreciation and pride also came from the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Maspiyah, M.Kes. According to him, FT UNESA can no longer doubt its achievements and achievements on a national scale. In addition to winning the energy-efficient car competition, he was also ranked third in the Indonesian bridge contest held by Puspresnas. "Hopefully this achievement can continue to be maintained, so it is a motivation for other FT and UNESA students to continue to make achievements at the national and world levels," he hoped.
Meanwhile, UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., also admitted that he was proud of his students' achievements. Because he saw Garnesa's track record in the last few years in every competition, since the beginning of the final, he had championed his team as champion. He encourages students both in the engineering faculty and other faculties to continue to develop themselves both inside and outside the classroom. "Keep learning, creating and innovating to give birth to achievements," he said. [UNESA PR]
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